
seenoevil Just a short note – on the very slim chance that you actually subscribe to this blog, there was a nasty link left in comments some time ago. I have a feed for comments on my google page and while I removed the actual comment, it still shows up in my feed on google. It may have something to do with google and how it caches pages. If this is happening to you I apologize but am unable to remove it from the feed for some reason. I don’t know if this has happened in bloglines or any other feed reader so if you subscribe and don’t have the porn comment showing then I am glad – if you do, cruise by and leave a comment or two and maybe it will move far enough down the list to not be staring you in the eye LOL

6 thoughts on “Comments?

  1. Tom

    I believe you’re using wordpress. Do you have askimet activated? It makes my life much, much more pleasant and catches all sorts of spam. It’s usually just a matter of activating it in the plugins section and getting a wordpress key for free.


  2. Dee

    Thanks Tom – I do have it activated and very few slip by it. This one just popped up and though I deleted it from the comments I think it stuck in google’s cache and since I read feeds in google it was there staring me in the eye until a few comments pushed it from the top of the list. A minor irritation but it bugged me til it was gone LOL

Comments are closed.