Pageflakes for Reading Online

I am reading about web 2.0 in education and want to thank the comment contributors that gave me suggestions for places to look. As usual, when I start searching I end up going down rabbit trails and this one led me to check out page flakes. I have tried several feed readers and ended up using my Google personalized home page as a place to read my favorites. After I discovered that you could add tagged pages I was hooked. I like the visual layout of having the feeds I read all the time showing all over the page so I can just quickly skim down through the headlines and read the ones that catch my attention. Last night I may have found a new way to get all my reading goodness,

I checked out Pageflakes and after playing with it for a few minutes, signed up for an account and started creating pages and adding feeds. The layout looks very similar to the way the feeds display on my Google page but right away I found I could create more pages to help me organize my feeds by category. I was able to find feeds through their website and also copy and paste the urls for the sites I wanted and have it discover the feed and add it to my page. I was able drag and drop feeds into different tags and arrange them on the page.

Another reason to love Pageflakes is that once you have the feed on your page you can click on edit and choose export and Pageflakes creates the html file that will allow you to insert the “flake” onto another webpage. There is an example of my work blog on my footer. I tried to embed it in this post but it made the page go all wonky so I will need to work on that.

1 thought on “Pageflakes for Reading Online

  1. Carolyn Foote

    We’ve been using Pageflakes some since Will Richardson shared it in a workshop, and I really like the ease of the interface for teachers.

    One thing we also did–I made a page for a committee I’m on, and sent it to all the members, so we can have a feed of common news and blogs. That has worked out really well. Have you tried the news feeds? You can do a search on or google and subscribe to your search. I think this has a lot of implications for helping students.

    One of our tech teachers had all her students create their own pageflakes in the area of their own interests as well.

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