Where I Would Go

One Word: Lashes and Writer’s Island: Stowaway

I would like to be a stowaway
a castaway, a vagabond
a kite blown where wind blows
that knows what wind knows
and take all my hungry eyes
can hold under lashes
sleep heavy dream wishing
deep fishing for blue sunfish
train hitching nerve twitching
car jumping hitchhiking
sun melted snow pelted rain
of millions of days liking all
that I see and seeing all that is shone
and not shown if you don’t
stray from main roads and
cities of boxes and boxes and
shopping and carpool and tennis
and tanning and Sunday and golf
for me I will take the old man
on the porch or the shade tree mechanic
Tim down at the Dixie Cream
that sponsors the ball team
coached by that guy that plays
banjo on Saturday night in
a barn out on highway halfway
to the graveyard where willows
weep lonely past road signs
and white lines that go on forever
that’s where I would wander and
wonder and ponder and walk
down the white lines and pass
all the road signs till sunset sets
low and the lights shine and glow
and go on to the star shine
and moon shine the state line
yes there I would go

24 thoughts on “Where I Would Go

    1. Dee

      it would be quite wonderful wouldn’t it? I think I would have to learn to whistle too πŸ™‚

    1. Dee Post author

      I would have included attribution but I couldn’t remember where it’s from. Black hole of a brain – sucks everything in and then sometimes it just disappears!

  1. Dee

    It felt like flying and hitting the edge of the cliff at the end and you could almost hear my voice trail off in the distance on gooooooo

  2. Mark Lysgaard

    Love your stream of consciousness in this poem. Great ride through visual alliteration, internal rhymes, and unforgettable images. Well done!


    1. Dee Post author

      sounds like there will be a group of us before it’s over! Good idea about the mason jar!

  3. Michael

    I think you’ve described a journey here that a lot of searching souls would like to take with you. Very well done and I especially liked the end:

    “where willows
    weep lonely past road signs
    and white lines that go on forever
    thatÒ€ℒs where I would wander and
    wonder and ponder and walk
    down the white lines and pass
    all the road signs till sunset sets
    low and the lights shine and glow
    and go on to the star shine
    and moon shine the state line
    yes there I would go”

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