Monthly Archives: November 2010

This Little Light of Mine contest Count To Eight

Create a rhyming poem
with 8 syllables per line
and 8 lines in length
based on this image.

I shall never live in darkness
though shadows hover round my room
I’ll make a little light to shine
to keep away the sense of doom

I will write away the darkness
I will write of the stars so fair
I’ll even write some light for you
I have got plenty more to share

According to Wikipedia:

This Little Light of Mine” is a gospel children’s song written by Harry Dixon Loes (1895-1965)

Nursing Home Nightmares

Three Word Wednesday  CCXVI: advance, pander, shuffle
The halls were that depressing shade of green you don’t see anywhere on earth except old schools and hospitals.  An old man that looked more like he should be a patient was continuously buffing the floors.

Jack shuffled along, sloppy slippers barely clinging to sockless feet.  Shoulders slumped, head down, hair thin and messy, dandruff flaked on the shoulders of his red plaid flannel robe.  One pocket hung half-off and he could have used a clean hanky.  His advance was watched by no one except crazy old Mrs. Klusendorf who was parked in her doorway, tied to a wheelchair.  She was surrounded by a cloud of eau de urine and regarded him suspiciously as she nodded and hummed to herself.

“Hey there, Mr. Thomas.  You are just in time for your meds.”  The smiling perky blonde nurse peered up at him and he let his lip curl half his mouth into a grotesque parody of a smile.  He nodded but didn’t speak.  She poured him a little drink of water and handed him the paper pill cup.

He turned up the cup and tucked the pills into his jaw and swallowed the water and did the half smile thing again, pandering to her nurture needs. She smiled back at him.  He pointed behind the desk.  She turned and looked.  “Oh yes!  We are starting to decorate for Christmas!  Won’t that be fun?”  She grinned at him as he thought about what it would be like to have his fingers around her neck, watching her face turn red as she struggled, and then blue as the lack of oxygen had it’s final effect.

He would help Mrs. Klusendorf tonight.  He nodded and waved to the nurse and shuffled back down the hall, patting old Klusy on the shoulder as he went by.  No one should be tied in a wheelchair.  It was nearly bedtime and then four hours before bed checks.  Plenty of time.

Who Knows Me

AllPoetry contest Prompt: Who are you?

I used to be young
skinny girl kind of snarky
loved the world and sang
the years with friends and
all the ideas my mind would
run though like a thousand
crystal streams

I grew up and had my babies
those were good years
but confusing
I lost me for awhile and
before I could find me
they were grown and off
looking for their own
I surprise them

now I am young again
though my outside
has not caught up
I dream and write and think
and wonder if I have ever
been me or just
a reflection of those
I love

I have wrapped up parts
put them away
like forgotten toys
some broken
some barely touched
many were loved once
some as ugly as the sweater
aunt Alice gave me for

So now I am a little
snarky and a bit pissed
because time is passing
and I have wasted
I won’t ever be guilty of
that again…I will be me
in strength and weakness
joy and pain
I am wading in the water

Big Boy

AllPoetry Prompt: “I know why some animals eat their young”

“whatever” he said,
staring at me from under
lashes once curled round my finger
now lip curled, stance
all defensive,
shoulder slumped, hands
thrust into denim pockets,
after shave and cigarette clouds,
“I love you” whispered to his
back as it goes out the door.

my hands itch to gently
push hair back,
wish for ghost of the smile
that once came easy,
giggles at whatever I said.
curly hair baby shampoo
mixed with little boy smell,
nose rub, bear hug,
“I love you this much”
whispered as I closed the door.

Anger Kills

AllPoetry Contest Prompt: Mystery ’80s Lyrics Prompt: Alone above a raging sea that stole the only girl I loved, and drowned her deep inside of me
weird prompt for me – did not listen to The Cure and never had my girl stolen lol

and  I am full of anger,
roiling, boiling over, spilling all
around it makes a mess;
the test is how effects appear.
It killed the love.
It killed the hope.
That’s what it does,
A slippery slope
that once begun, control is lost
and further in the cost,
it takes more than it fills
the angry sea of me is what
it’s all about; my anger, my feelings,
my self, I shout: me, me, me,
and you are gone, but
I was so mad, I didn’t even notice.

November Wind

November wind does not sing,
it screams and wings to other
lands. The span of seasons
pushed by currents fervent,
branches cling to trees,
let go of leaves that fall
to pleas of wind and weather,
sigh and curl around themselves
then acquiesce to little death,
the red and gold of tearing
loose from summer’s mooring.

November wind seeps in and
mutters now of snow and bite,
of gray and white, and I am loosed
like leaves and scattered,
grounded. I will sigh and curl
before the fire banked to
bring warmth higher through
the longest night, til winter burns
through darkness gold in bones,
atones for sins untold and seasons turn
and I and leaves rise up and yearn.

An Old Child

allpoetry prompt – write a Triolet

not completely satisfied with this but it was interesting to play with – I will revise later. Not sure it is exactly correct in form.

An old child, who knows the past
with love tattooed on worn out flesh
and bones that carry memory cast
An old child who knows the past
where sunny days died all too fast
inward eyes see life afresh
An old child who knows the past
with love tattooed on worn out flesh

8 lines.
Two rhymes.
5 of the 8 lines are repeated or refrain lines.
First line repeats at the 4th and 7th lines.
Second line repeats at the 8th line.
Rhyme scheme (where an upper-case letter indicates the appearance of an identical line, while a lower-case letter indicates a rhyme with each line designated by the same lower-case or upper-case letter):
a – Rhymes with 1st line.
A – Identical to 1st line.
a – Rhymes with 1st line.
b – Rhymes with 2nd line.
A – Identical to 1st line.
B – Identical to 2nd line.

Creativity Stymied

allpoetry prompt – word bank: curtain, serpentine, sentinel, noble, unbound, crystal, finite, reverberate

form – etheree

serpentine thoughts
slither, a sentinel searching
for cohesive nerve connections;
unable to place two words together.
The curtains of the heart shut, no noble
endeavor this. Frustration unbound, needing
one crystal clear chorus, a prayer that
creativity won’t prove finite with
broken edges the mind ever
falls from, unending
reverberation of

Outside The Garden

allpoetry prompt – nightside of eden

We live out our days
on the nightside of eden,
banished from the garden.
Left to cold, dark, and pain

We wait impatient
for the last sunrise,
that signals homecoming;
that trumpets the gate song.

We toil for things that
never bring peace.
We love frail people
that forever disappoint.

We strive for growth
that never hits the mark;
a people breathing need
for a place we can’t remember.

We love imperfect,
with less desire than
needed to lift us
high enough to be loved.

We wait sleepless
through the long night,
shivering and longing
for the gardener to wake us.

The Princess of Lettuce

allpoetry prompt: significant memory

working as a salad girl
just a kid myself
busy Sunday afternoon
kitchen humming waitresses in black
and white swinging in and out
through doors with balanced trays
and tips in their pockets
you walk in with your dad and I stop curious
customers are not a kitchen fixture
but you are being led and I hear him ask
can you hear this and smell that
then he describes the beautiful princess
dressed in white
and smiles at me before leading you out
and I was glad you could not see
clown princess mascara running
down little girl cheeks
blindly scooping lettuce into plastic bowls

Against The Tide

allpoetry prompt:  against a pier and the ragged fingers of ten thousand waves

When one man stands strong
he is a pier jutting out
into the ocean of humanity.
He interrupts
the course just enough to effect
the flow to shore, as the waves
of daily life
divide and go around him.
The shore
is breached from a new angle,
and deflected back to the sea,
following the altered path.
Though small, you can see the effects
ripple outward as he changes the tide

Nanowrimo Part Deux

I had just about decided to not participate at all this year.  I have been concentrating on writing poetry and just didn’t think I would have the time.  I have started an outline and it just kept whispering to me so I have signed on.

I do not plan to make the push for 50,000 words this year.  If it happens, fine, but I am going to concentrate on working a bit slower and trying to write well instead of just a lot.  Nanowrimo will help me be accountable and my word count will go to the region I am affiliated with so I don’t see a downside.  My word count will show on the meter on my blog page but it will not rule November for me this year.

Ice Flow prompt: “Life goes on even when you feel frozen in time”

there is no silence like ice
everyone moving slowly
as though under water
I watch them pass
and wonder
to the size
of the hour that
gives no quarter
drags on into days
and stuck, I keep watching