Exercises in Brevity

I have been participating in a lot of contests at AllPoetry that require brevity – usually with an image or two word prompt and a 13 to 15 word limit.  The little pieces below are some of the results.


cold wind blows
frost fencing in a
hurt heart
nothing grows
without sun


stretching wings
I wasn’t born with.
I am trapped by gravity…
but not forever.


music muffled
by snow blankets
softly piling dreams
crystal layers
frozen stars

My Father

the things he left behind
left more questions than
answers about a life

2 thoughts on “Exercises in Brevity

  1. anno

    These are wonderful, Dee. I especially liked the image of a cold wind blowing frost fencing in a hurt heart; then following it up with the hopefulness in “Higher.” Feel like these could be nicely made into a framed triptych (quattrych?) to sit on a fireplace mantel.

    On another note…. do you actually have snow? Or are you just missing it?

    1. Dee Post author

      thank you Anno, I have been enjoying these little contests where they throw something at you and say “15 words – be amazing”. I don’t know about the amazing part but it’s good to stretch and try for more bang for your word buck, so to speak.
      No snow – just cold and wind. According to the weatherman – temp is 30 but wind chill is 18. I am going into hibernation mode! I was raised in the north and had more than one taste of lake effect snow. I would love it if I could order the weather and have it snow for the week before and after Christmas. Not ice storm mind you because we have been there and done that. Just enough for it to look like Christmas…then it can go back north and leave us without the car accidents and power outages which tend to happen here.

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