for fun…
heart         beats
bent but not broken
all second chances
no such thing as
causes that are
**update – Thanks Elizabeth for the heads up on how to fix my centering issue 🙂
You rock!!
well this was interesting. I got it to center at AllPoetry but after five tries it just doesn’t want to play nice…evidently you don’t always get a second chance with WordPress…
Ain’t this the truth. The poem and the autocratic blog templates.
lol I am sure there is a way to fix it but after the fifth try I decided that a slightly crooked heart was good enough!
I know what it is!
Centered is different at the top, because your tweet button takes up space. Add two or three blank lines at the top of your post, to move the top of your heart down below the button. Or, if you know CSS, you could add about 50 pixels of padding to the heart’s top line.
p style=”text-align: center; padding-top: 50px;”
wow thanks – I will give it a try lol