Monthly Archives: June 2011

Let Them Go

listen you naysayers
muckrakers, joy takers, bill payers
all of you listen
the sun it will glisten on
ponds lily fronds magic wands
hopeful dreams clever schemes
are the way of the young hold your tongue
leave them be you can’t see
anymore past the past your life cast
now you just want to take them to task
They are sun dancers, free lancers,
fly by the seat of their pantsers
it’s their time not your time and this time
is high time for light and right
and loving with all their might
leave for later the haters, the baiters
the now is too laters
no waiters just jumpers with both feet
back thumpers just love them and leave them
they are bursting with sweet freedom
the hope of our future to suture
our brokenness tiredness hopeful
banked firedness
we the prayers, old players
the worlds yesterdayers
they slip through our fingers
not linger the singers will write
all new words and new tunes
and they’re gone all too soon

riffing off Gwendolyn Brooks “Speech to the Young”

Empty Dreams

bony shoulders
holding up the brown sky
in hand me down pants
clipped to cut down suspenders
suspending hope
from a million mile stare
at a train going nowhere
just making a lot of noise
and blowing holy smoke
holes in soles leaking dirt
and stones that bruise the heels
that walk the tracks
in an iron ore town
hard edges and empty dreams

Image credit: Photographs.jpg

Sing The Light

Sunday Scribbling Prompt: Sweet

Morning is a softened time.
Trouble for the day
has not yet been to visit,
and in the grayness of the edge
birds are singing fiercely.
For the first time, I wonder why.

Science says that lengthening days
bring longer exposure to light,
triggering a hormone,
but I remember a song
“How Can I Keep From Singing”
and just smile.

We are all lifted up
with exposure to the light,
and in the rising
sing all the sweeter.


Courtesy of a night at the planetarium and Paschal’s word “Plangent”

how am I going to put
this all back together
I slap pieces on and they don’t stick
pick them up lick them up
stick them back doesn’t matter

yes it does it’s all matter

some bunch of gases went all
super nova and here we are
the star is blown all out
of proportion the tortion causing shearing
it’s appearing to be damaged
cells have clamored for assistance
but resistance is more than I can handle
lit a candle still the darkness
is a massive black hole
sucking all the light out
of the world is sky covered
cloud hovered galaxy smothered
in diamond starshot fabric bending
never lending an ear or a hand
I just stand and look up waiting
skating through the night
a ball of fright so tiny underneath
the heavens I would sing
the plangent tune of space time

subtle rhyme escapes

it winds around my throat
to silence questions with
no answers like the planets
in their orbit
through my veins corpuscles travel
routes unraveled slowly
predetermined til a single
singularity (not as much a rarity
as you might think

takes everything to the brink
and then collapses into itself
like me I’m sinking under weight
of my own thoughts
I fought too hard I think

or not enough

this skin like space is bending
folding holding in the soul

but there are limits

I am in it but not staying
like the stars I am imploding
light exploding soon outshining
stellar pining for return to
source of course we argue
what that is but in the end we all
go back and fall into the core

becoming matter once again

the star stuff fading with the dawn
but what a journey to become
a softened color coated morning
where another will be looking to the sky
and wonder where am I and
do I fit here what’s my bit here

are my cells a part of yours

and did I come from up above
will I return and burn as brightly
daily nightly ever slightly
changing to become
the sun

Color Royale

All Poetry prompt: Purple Passion


give me the color
that lies just at the edge
of sunset
the dark places in the ripples
as the breeze moves across
the blue water
I would rest my eyes
on the edge of shadow
under the soft clouds
the tender shade in the dip
under your eyes
just above the swell of cheek
sing me a sky just before
the storm drops down
and turns to grey and black
or the shine at the outer ring
of moonglow just before
the stars appear
let my fingers feel the petal
of iris as it blends into deep wine
holding stamen for bees to feed
let me taste purple
of new grapes frosted with dew
ripe with flavor
color of royalty