I Will Be The Sun

It has been quiet here for so long – I know. The summer was busy – we are still finishing up projects we began before school started. Now I am back at work so it is weekends (until I get adjusted to not having an afternoon nap I am not worth much in the evenings!) Writing is a habit and once out of it, it becomes increasingly difficult to return. thank you to my friend for this photo that inspired me to write. Thank you Tommy Stone.

Tommy Stone Sunrise

I will be the sun
rolling the darkness
out of my way as I climb
to take my place
I will bring warmth
and light
clouds may hide me
for a time
but I will wait
and I will shine again

I will teach the rainbow
where color rules
are made to be broken
and artistry can be pastels
setting fire to the sky
and delicate brushstrokes
can bring tears
to the coldest eyes
lift the saddest heart
spark hope in the hopeless

I will end the day softly
easing my way into darkness
dancing last steps across
a watercolor sky
slowly turning on soft lights
as I sleep under a deep blue blanket
sharing cloudy dreams
until my time comes round

8 thoughts on “I Will Be The Sun

  1. Jae Rose

    What a beautiful metaphor..maybe our writing muscles deserve to be nestled in a blanket..how wonderful they can shine when well rested..good to read your words again..jae 🙂

  2. annoa

    a lovely triptych of images and a beautiful poem. I agree with Jae: sometimes cocooning is just a necessary prelude to metamorphosis.

  3. Miss Alister

    I know the rust of not writing, am bound by it now, dumb as a box of rocks. But I know a good bit of writing when I see it, and this is a beauty: an inspired, effective life from sun up to sun down to the last sunset. Roll on, Miz Dee!

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