White and Gold

there was a girl
she held the light inside her
the darkness tried
to cover it
the sadness tried
to put it out
she held and stuck and waited
she held the light
waited for the dark
to erode away to dawn
from broken heart
it shone and spread
to all who observed
tenuous connections
of paper and wires
a silence so loud
it crossed time zones
until gold stuck to synapse
white wrapped round
and round and held
the light to all
pieces shared
light shared
held by a thousand fingers
can’t be extinguished
and all help carry
the light
the gift
the heart


prayers for a friend

12 thoughts on “White and Gold

  1. Jae Rose

    I can feel that light being cared for..hands I have never seen..but which have become friends..protectors…helping to keep the light safe..thank you Dee..Jae 🙂

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