Author Archives: Dee

About Dee

I am a working wife, geek, and mother of two with opinions about just about everything which I plan to share here.

Tuesday Ten

Or a typical day…

1.  My phone rings a lot (people think I know more than I do)
2.  I answer a lot of questions (evidently I know more than I thought)
3.  I need more answers! (I still need to learn more)
4.  I need to work on staying focused after interruptions (I’m a little challenged in that area)
5.  I need to prioritize (I like to make everybody happy – it doesn’t work)
6.  I’m glad I’m home (that makes me happy)
7.  Time to dig into the bible with friends 🙂
8.  The weather is awesome! (Cloudy and cool)
9.  After bible study I’m going to take a shower and curl up with a book ( a no-brainer)

10.  Tomorrow I get up and do it all over again! (I will need latte)


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Sunday Night Musing

I wrote an entire page to post and abandoned it so I am just going to throw out some random things that are rattling around in my brain.

I saw this Friday on CNN Money


Why don’t we have a link to a how-to for the best technique for strangling puppies???
It is good that I am NOT God – there would be some definite “smiting” going on.  This is the kind of thing that makes me want to move to another planet.

The opening of the stockmarket tomorrow morning has the feel of the terrible car wreck that you drive by and do not want to look, but you can’t help yourself.  If that wasn’t bad enough, a car wreck would usually be cleaned up and gone the next day when you passed that spot.  I don’t think that will be the case here.

The election news is nothing but a contest of who can pick up the biggest rock and throw it and if there is mud clinging to it, all the better.  I don’t care which side you are for – I wouldn’t give two cents for the whole pile of them.

I’d like a little nobility, a little humility, and a little compassion – you know, leadership qualities?

Why does it seem that the people we choose to lead us so often have nothing that resembles those qualities?

Seth Godin wrote:

To really stand for something, you must make difficult decisions, mostly about what you don’t do. We don’t ship products like that, we don’t stand for employees like that (“you’re fired”), we don’t fix problems like that.It’s so hard to stand up, to not compromise, to give up an account or lose a vote or not tell a journalist what they want to hear.

But those are the only moments where standing for something actually counts, the only times that people will actually come to believe that you in fact actually stand for something.

That is what I want to hear.  If the only way you can get ahead is by making everyone around you look bad you are not leading.  When who you are makes everyone around you look better?  That’s the leader I want.  Tell me what you are for and what we need to do to get there.  Stand for something, tell me what that is, and if I vote for you – do your damnedest to take us in that direction or tell me why and what has changed.

If there is a lot of mud flying around it will eventually cover everyone in the vicinity. Be the diamond that sparkles in the dirt – that will get my attention.

Be the one who makes us all ashamed to profit off foreclosure.  Be the one that makes us lift each other up because we feel like we are all better being around you.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Tomorrow it all begins again!

Ten For Tuesday – Late!

1. The economy is scaring me – that and the elections are making me not want to watch the news.
2.  I’m glad bible study is tonight.
3.  I’m loving this fall weather!
4.  Today was better than yesterday.
5.  Shortbread cookies and latte make my tummy happy.
6.  Salad was good tonight for supper!
7.  I need to do something alone – it’s time for a day
8.  I want to learn something new
9.  The neighbor dog barks too much
10. Isn’t running for president right now a lot like telling the captain of the Titanic to get off the boat so you can be captain??

Good Bad Day

1. bad – didn’t get a teacher scheduled when she wanted
1. good, got to play with a nice big monitor (bought a bicycle lock and will chain it to my desk)
2. bad – laptop cart (really bad)
2. good – got a nice thank you email from a teacher
3. bad – can’t find any inventory info
3. good – helped a kid with their paper
4. bad – only got two things on my todo list done (and added three more)
4. good – grades got exported and it went very smoothly – preparation helped
5. good – daughter got a 29 on her ACT
6. good – hubby made me shortbread cookies
5. bad (did I mention the laptop cart?)  aaarrrg
7. good – son got a job (another one! – this one just temporary but good experience)
6. bad – the economy news is scary
6 bad 7 good – close but good wins

Guess at the end of the day it’s good to be ahead

Busy Saturday

I have awesome kids.  One spent his entire Saturday helping coach high school debaters at a competition in Princeton.  My other one had to be at TAMU-Commerce to take her SAT at 7:45 this morning.  The test finished about twenty minutes late and we had already gotten her a burger and fries so she ate and changed into her band uniform while Dale drove much quicker than I like to get her to a band marching competition in Mesquite.  We had to drop her off in a parking lot, get her jacket zipped, horn put together, and watch her run to catch up with the band as they were going into the chute.

We made it up into the stands in time to see the band right before they played, stayed for her band’s performance (they were awesome and got a one), then, back out to the car.  We pulled around where the band truck was to take her instrument case and uniform bag to her.  She helped load the truck and we brought her home with us.  My son got home about an hour after we did and all of us are just worn out. Tired but proud of both of them for making commitments and honoring them.

Bob Dylan – Still

I’m going shopping.  I’m going to buy a CD – I’ll have to wait til next week when Bob Dylan’s new one is released but for now you can listen to it for free.  Go – listen – quick.  It will be officially released October 7.  Go here.

Most Of The Time

Most of the time
I’m clear focused all around,
Most of the time
I can keep both feet on the ground,
I can follow the path, I can read the signs,
Stay right with it, when the road unwinds,
I can handle whatever I stumble upon,
I don’t even notice she’s gone,
Most of the time.

Most of the time
It’s well understood,
Most of the time
I wouldn’t change it if I could,
I can’t make it all match up, I can hold my own,
I can deal with the situation right down to the bone,
I can survive, I can endure
And I don’t even think about her
Most of the time.

Most of the time
My head is on straight,
Most of the time
I’m strong enough not to hate.
I don’t build up illusion ’till it makes me sick,
I ain’t afraid of confusion no matter how thick
I can smile in the face of mankind.
Don’t even remember what her lips felt like on mine
Most of the time.

Most of the time
She ain’t even in my mind,
I wouldn’t know her if I saw her
She’s that far behind.
Most of the time
I can’t even be sure
If she was ever with me
Or if I was with her.

Most of the time
I’m halfway content,
Most of the time
I know exactly where I went,
I don’t cheat on myself, I don’t run and hide,
Hide from the feelings, that are buried inside,
I don’t compromise and I don’t pretend,
I don’t even care if I ever see her again
Most of the time.

Some thirty odd years ago, a scrawny girl in blue jeans, sitting on a rickety dock looking out over wind beaten grey waves, arms wrapped around bony knees – just trying to figure it all out with a Bob Dylan song playing in her head.

Some thirty odd years later, a slightly worn, definitely not scrawny woman still has some of the same questions and Bob Dylan makes me smell the lake wind and hear the sea gulls again.

Sing me to sleep Bob, no more thinking tonight, just dreaming.

Charlie Brown Politics

I tried to watch the vice-presidential debate.  I realllllllly did.  I managed a half hour and then it just seemed like mouths moving and that blah blah sound coming out like a Charlie Brown cartoon and of course my face hurt from squinching up every time Governor Palin said Nukuler and Eye Rack.  I know that’s petty, but it just kept making me lose track of everything else that was being said.

None of it made me think either one of them has a clue when it comes to the day to day lives of the average American family.  None of this gives an answer to the parents of men killed in Iraq.  I REMEMBER Viet Nam.  Not just what it did to so many young men, but what it did to this country.  It tore us apart.  Generations seperated and the confusion in values that came next is still not repaired.
Now the bail out bill has passed and I am having a hard time (being math challenged) wrapping my mind around it. How you can find money to fix a problem that was caused by mishandled money.  Where does that money actually come from?  Will it actually “fix” anything?  Will people stop borrowing money they can’t pay back for things they don’t need as it looks to me like we are all going to have less money.  If we stop buying stuff will more people be unemployed because there is no need to make stuff that people can’t afford to buy because they are unemployed??  Will I have to pay for this?
Sarah, Joe, whoever ends up in office – can you help me make sense of this?  Translate all this down to how much will I be able to spend at the grocery store.  Will I be able to help my kids through college?  Will there be anything left in our little retirement fund when we actually need it or will I be limping up and down the halls at work on my walker?  That is if I don’t die because I can no longer afford health insurance.  That is if any of us are here since the polar ice cap is melting because I have used too many paper towels and took too long to switch to the energy efficient light bulbs. Sorry polar bears, I didn’t mean to kill you off.

The bible tells us that we are to “cast our cares on the Lord” – that we are literally not supposed worry.  He is big enough to handle it all.  I’m glad because it is too big of a mess for me.   Goodnight and good luck America. I love you and I’m praying for you.

Links To Visit

This is the coolest online image application I have seen.  It is called Sumo Paint and has a ton of features!  There are layers, gradients, shapes, brushes, and blend modes.  I played with it for about three minutes and made a little picture (nothing fancy, I know)


If you are in a more serious mood and if you Twitter you might consider in taking part tonight in fact checking during the vice-presidential debate.  NPR is asking that you watch and whenever you hear something that you think contradicts what you have already heard, see if you can find a transcript or video that backs it up and the same thing when a statistic is quoted – try to find the original source.  Twitter your finding with the tag #factcheck in your tweet.
Amazing – NPR will have people all over the country doing their preliminary research for them.  To me this is the interactive internet at it’s best.   What a way to get people involved.  I wish I had seen this sooner.  It would have been fun to have a twitter/debate party!  There is still time – if you have wireless and some friends with laptops get together and participate!

Ten for Tuesday

I stole this idea from a blogging friend.  I am too tired to write coherently so I will make a list of ten things that are foremost on my mind today

1.  I don’t like change but I deal with better as I get older.

2.  Our worship leader moved to a new church

3.  A friend. mentor and teacher moved to a new job

4.  I learned to do a new thing (after stressing way too much about it)

5.  For the first time in months we are not having bible study tonight – people are sick

6.  The weather has been awesome – not too hot, sunny, and making want to be outside!

7.  Sitting on the back porch is relaxing

8.  TV is worse than usual lately – even with new shows there isn’t much to interest me.

9.  I wonder if most people feel as worried and helpless about the economy as I do.

10.  I’m tired and going to go to sleep early tonight!

Thinking Thursday

Last night the lesson at church was on the book of Esther.  Now you manly men may think that Esther is a “chic” book but there is drama, suspense, violence, and a lesson that I have been thinking about all day.

You see I am what my husband affectionately calls a “worrywart”.  I have been one all my life, worrying about this bill, that situation, health, the state of the economy, what we will have for supper, and will the store continue to carry the brand of toilet paper we like!  Add to that my habit of procrastinating and you have a recipe for disaster!  This lesson is meant for me.

Esther has an opportunity to go to the palace and she is chosen to be queen.  Her uncle has an opportunity to save the kings life when two men plot his death.  Then a new character appears on the scene – Haman.  They say that to this day when the Jews tell this story, whenever Haman is mentioned everyone boos!  Haman hates the Jews and manages to create a law allowing people to kill them.  The day approaches and Esther’s uncle Malachi has several written exchanges with Esther.  He tells her she has to go to the king.  In that day, you did not enter the throne room unless you were invited or it could mean your death.  In order for you to live the king had to extend his sceptre.  Esther is naturally a bit apprehensive about doing that and has maybe gotten kind of comfortable with her new cushy life in the palace.  Malachi tells her several important things.  One is that just because she lives in the palace, she may not escape unharmed.  Two, even if she doesn’t step up and do the right thing, God will still be faithful and help will come from somewhere else – she will miss the opportunity.  Three – maybe she has “come to the palace for such a time as this”.

We are all where God wants us to be, unless we are in open rebellion.  If we are where God wants us to be then maybe we “have come to the palace for such a time as this” – where we are is our mission field.

Like Esther’s time – life and death hang in the balance.  Maybe not physical life and death, but spiritual.  Someone’s salvation may depend on you being where you are and representing God in that position.

I usually post “church” things on another blog but with the approaching election, and today being the anniversary of 911, this has been weighing on me all day.

We should take our choices of leadership seriously.  We should pray for our leaders and for our country, that the decisions that are made are done with care for the future.  We need leadership that can inspire us to do better – to be better.  Inspiration has been sadly lacking in this country for a long time.  I don’t mean empty oration – I mean someone who has the character and courage to say and do the right thing.

We should be a people that tries to do the right thing.  We should be the best employee, neighbor, friend, parent – that we can be wherever we are, whatever our circumstances because opportunities are there – if we are willing to stop whining, complaining, and worrying for long enough to realize that we are in His will and that He has a purpose for us – maybe little ones everyday.  Maybe a big one like Esther.

The rest of the story, by the way – After asking her uncle to ask the people to fast and pray for her, Esther goes in to the King and he holds out the sceptre. She invites him and his advisors to a banquet at her “house” (including Haman – boooo!)  After two days of feasting the king tells Esther that he will grant her request – all she has to do is say the word.  Esther asks the king to spare her life and that of her people because they have been sold for destruction.  The king asks who has done this thing and you know who – Haman (boooo!) .  The king ends up hanging Haman on the very gallows that Haman had built to hang Mordecai, Esther’s uncle.

Esther was where God wanted her to be, she and her people prayed and fasted, and then she obeyed.  Because of those things an entire race of people was saved.

I’m going to work on the worrying and complaining.  I’m no Esther, but maybe I can be inspired by her leadership to do and be a little better.

Who inspires you?  Do you want to be inspired?  What do you want to be inspired to do?  Why?

See, I told you it was a thinking Thursday.


You know how things can be just fine one moment and then the next it seems like everything is a out of sync.  It has been one of those days.  I can’t seem to say anything right, do anything right.  I know after reading the previous post you may think I’m just a tad moody but I promise I know that this is one of those bottom of the ferris wheel cycles and that as on any ferris wheel, the car comes back around to the top and the sky is still blue but when you are at the bottom – well it is very hard to believe you will climb back to the top.

We had some bad family news today and that is part of it.  I ache for their pain.  I don’t even know what else to say, just that I am praying for them and have been for a long time.

I’m also praying for family that lives near the coast.

Time to slow down and check my direction.

Thank You – All Of You!

The first official week of school is complete.  I think it went pretty well and I think it is a GIFT that Monday is Labor Day!!!

I still have to get back in the habit of NOT taking an afternoon nap if I want one.  I am happy to be back at work though, really.  I work with some of the best people you will ever find anywhere, hands down.

Pointy Haired Dilbert had an article entitled “What They Don’t Teach You In Any School – Appreciation” and it really made me think about my job in those terms.  I always feel appreciated where I work and I think that is a blessed thing.

It makes me want to do more, be nicer, give more help, and generally be glad to come to work.

The writer of the article mentioned a boss from the past and how he thought he was the best boss he ever had. The reason?  He knew how to appreciate people and mean it.

I too want to practice appreciation and master it as a skill.  I think more than that I want to slow down and notice the things people do that I appreciate in passing but let get by too quickly.  I know that when I experience it coming from others I remember it and respond to it.  I want to give that gift back to others and give them a bright spot in their day to remember and maybe turn a bad day around. Sometimes that’s all it takes for me.

I don’t always have a lot of direct interaction with students but maybe by having an effect on teachers around me I can “pay it forward”.  Thanks guys – all of you.  You will never know – really!


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Hot Crash Potatoes

If you haven’t visited Pioneer Woman’s cooking site then you are missing some treats. My new favorite is Hot Crash Potatoes.  Easy and sooo good.

Boil new potatoes in salted water – she recommends kosher salt.  When they are “fork tender” remove and drain.  On a large cookie sheet, drizzle olive oil.  Place the potatoes on the cookie sheet and using a glass, push until the potato is flattened to about an inch – not completely smushed but split open.  Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with kosher salt, pepper, and whatever herbs you like. Use plenty of salt.  I used chives and garlic but you could use rosemary or whatever you prefer.

Bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes.  The skin will be nice and crispy and the center soft and delicious!

Edit And Play With Images Online
has a free and a pay level but lets you apply cook effects to photos.  There are a lot of nice free effects here.
This one was my favorite just because I liked the effects they offered.
Lets you take a picture online using your computer webcam.  You can choose a filter or a distortion method, frame or even scene – kind of hokey but fun.
lets you upload photos and resize as well as apply several different effects like soften, sharpen, change contrast, greyscale, ad text, and more.
goofy but fun – upload an image and add props but more important – speech bubbles!  Free and no registration required.


Sorry if you visited today and the links were not working – I posted late and evidently not fully awake LOL!

Randy Pausch

From the Google Blog:

Goodbye to Randy Pausch, a great teacher

7/26/2008 10:25:00 AM

Randy Pausch, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and a good friend of Google, passed away last night. In addition to being recognized as a pioneer in virtual reality research, he became widely known as a gifted teacher and a mentor to many. Millions of people saw his inspiring Last Lecture on YouTube. Read more about Randy and his contributions on our Research Blog.

If you haven’t seen “The Last Lecture” please do – you won’t be sorry.  If you do not have access to YouTube – watch it on google video.  You can also buy it in book form.

His family has my prayers – I liked him and never met him.

Global Education

I am not a teacher, I have worked in education in some form for about 15 years.  I took 9 years out of public employment to raise my kids and even then I was a substitute teacher a few times.

I have heard people fuss and complain about schools, kids, teachers, parents – on and on.   None of the complaints directed at any particular group ever rang true to me because I have always believed that  institutions reflect the greater community they reside in along with all the individual entities that make up the community.

If I think – really think, about how change is effected, problems solved, from this starting point -  I feel so overwhelmed.  How can change happen if each entity is not moved somehow?

Maybe the reverse is true.  Maybe each little change affects the entire community.  That approach seems a lot more hopeful to me.  That means any piece of the puzzle that I come into contact with can be a part of a positive or negative change.  There is hope in that and also accountability.  That means that every single interaction I have, somehow creates change and that brings everything down to individual responsibility.

It means that my actions and interactions need to be thoughtful and intentional.  It means that not only am I my brother’s keeper but each of us is the keeper of our entire local community which has it’s interaction with the rest of the global community.   It means that I can’t blame anyone else for the state of the world – I can only make my individual actions count.

That makes sense for the individual.  If the entire community thinks like me – has the same belief system, and is willing to take the same level of responsibility then we will move as a group in a particular direction.  The reality is, individuals have their own agenda’s, their own belief systems, and their own ideas about what is the best direction for a community to move.  How to we reconcile the different views and not end up simply sitting still or moving backwards and forwards instead of making progress?

If you don’t think our thinking is splintered – look at your community.  How many churches are there?  If we are unable to unite in our belief system when in most communities in this area, it all revolves around a single book then….well, you can see the difficulty.

The catalyst for this whole discussion was a website called 2 Million Minutes.  There is a dvd you can order and I am planning on purchasing one.  There are lesson plans and clips of the making of the video.  The premise is that our young people have about 2 million minutes to spend in high school.  How will their two million minutes stack up result wise to students in China or India.  There is an exam to take to see how you stack up.

The exam challenge is the brainchild of Bob Compton after hearing a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education  “We have nothing to learn from education systems in Third World countries, “Much less a Third World country that lacks freedom of speech.” when he viewed the Two Million Minutes video.

The exam “is a shortened and greatly simplified version of the multi-day proficiency test that every 10th grader in India must pass to go on to the 11th grade.”


As a part of the global community, what are our priorities?  What are we willing to sacrifice to get there?  What are the consequences?

Technology and Cooking

It has been so hot that I don’t care to cook but today I was thinking about summer ending and school starting and I love to cook when it is cold.  Part of the reason for the winter food dreams is left over sauerkraut that I didn’t want to toss out.  I decided to make Hunters Stew or Kapusta as it was know when I was a kid.  I grew up not to far from Detroit Michigan and  a lot of my family’s friends were Polish.  My mother learned how to cook several Polish dishes and this was a favorite.  It is a stew made from drained and rinsed kraut, sausage (cubed pork of you have it), more chopped cabbage, mushrooms, and like most stews, pretty much whatever you have around.  I added a can of pinto beans drained and rinsed, a cubed potato, some baby carrots, and some chopped onion. Put it all in a crockpot and leave it on low all day, fix some cornbread and you have some good eating.

In the winter you could put it all in a big kettle on your wood heater and after a day of running around in the snow, trying to work and run errands, you would come home to wonderful smells and curl up with a good book and a quilt and life would be good.

While I am in the food mood I am going to share some of my favorite food websites.

Healthy recipes and recipes that contain ingredients that are tailored for certain health problems.  There are videos, you can sign up to receive recipes by email or subscribe by rss.  He is selling a book of course and advertising the tv show on Lifetime but the recipes seem pretty good.
Good recipes – again she is selling a book but the website is fun – there is even a game (whack-a-snack) and a section on tips and tricks for dining out and staying healthy.

There are two sites that give you comparison foods – something you shouldn’t eat and a substitute that is a healthier choice.  These are not necessarily sugar or fat free choices – just better.  There are some surprises here.


New on my wishlist!

One of my faves – good country cooking, pictures, and you will feel like you have known her all your life!