Author Archives: Dee

About Dee

I am a working wife, geek, and mother of two with opinions about just about everything which I plan to share here.

My Favorite “Handy” Man

He does great work and this summer he completed several projects just for me! I’ve been meaning to post this for awhile and just couldn’t get the pictures and everything together.

Once Dale felt well he couldn’t sit still and I couldn’t have him in the house all summer long so he spent a lot of time out in the shop. The first thing he made me was a footstool on castors with a removable lid for storage. I’m sitting with my feet propped up on it as I type this post. It’s comfy and movable and I love it.


We read a lot of paperbacks so he built some bookshelves to put under the window in our bedroom and then I found a picture of some interesting shelves and he decided he wanted to make them as well, so now they are on either side of that same window.


In between the large projects he made some little things for my desk – a pencil holder, a box to hold my card files and an easel to use with my working cards. Notice the joints on the boxes. Isn’t he talented??


The best and most complicated I saved til last. We just call it the crooked legged table but it is such a pretty and unusual design. I showed my handy husband a picture of a similar table in a magazine some years ago and he said he could make it. I argued and of course he had to prove me wrong! There are no nails or screws – only pegs. I think it and he are amazing!


There were other projects including new doors on the end of the shop and various repairs around the house. He also made a garden. Now that school has started he will start cooking again and I am looking forward to that creativity that made sawdust all summer filling the table and my tummy as the weather turns cold.

For now I have a few more projects for him while the weather is still warm. I think I will keep him.

(addendum – the bottom shelf on the table looks unlevel but it isn’t – it’s an optical illusion)


“Keep It Simple Stupid!” Is a motto I should have etched into the inside of my glasses lens so I would constantly have it in the corner of my line of vision.

One of my favorite websites that I feel embraces this idea is CommonCraft and they had a wonderful piece recently titled “Super Simple vs Needlessly Complex“. It showed a picture of a young man pulling a device called the Q-drum which is basically a rolling container for water with a rope attached. One person can easily haul 20 gallons of water with this simple tool. The comparison image showed a Japanese toilet that had 17 buttons on it. The picture of the Q-Drum came from an article on simple design that can be found here. My attention was grabbed by this quote:

The world’s cleverest designers, said Dr. Polak, a former psychiatrist who now runs an organization helping poor farmers become entrepreneurs, cater to the globe’s richest 10 percent, creating items like wine labels, couture and Maseratis.“We need a revolution to reverse that silly ratio,” he said.

Amen Dr. Polak – sign me up.

So how do I make these changes on a personal level? I am starting with some of the suggestions in the article Simple Living Manifesto on the Zen Habits blog.

For the cynics who say that the list below is too long, there are really only two steps to simplifying:

  1. Identify what’s most important to you.
  2. Eliminate everything else.

Of course, that’s not terribly useful unless you can see how to apply that to different areas of your life, so I present to you the Long List.

The long list contains 72 ideas with links to help on some of the individual suggestions. This seems like a “complex” list but if you start with the first which tells you to identify the four or five most important things in your life and make those your priority. The next two are evaluate your time and your commitments and ditch whatever is not in line with your most important things. Everything else flows from there. The blog author states that the entire list will not work for everyone – to just choose a few that work for you and concentrate on them.

I’m going to spend some time working on my “Most Important” list and post about it later. I also want to think about how simplifying would translate to education.

The internet is the great “leveler”. Anyone can find information on anything – anytime. That information doesn’t mean a thing if the learner can’t read, comprehend, or aggregate it into something meaningful to them. If we distill what is the most important skill in education today wouldn’t it be reading even in the higher grades?

We work harder to have more which means we need more to organize and take care of the more we worked for which means we need to work more to pay for it all. We eat junk because we don’t have time to cook good healthy food because we are working so hard so we have to work more (or at least make more money) to afford the junk food that ultimately makes us sick which means we have to make more money to pay for the medical bills. We teach our kids that they need a good education so they can have nice things and a nice job but if the above life is what we are showing them and if they are seeing it all as pointless I vote with them.

I don’t think simplicity is the goal so much as the way to achieve the goal. If we are so tied to all the stuff and the working to sustain it then where is the meaning? How often do we even have time to stop and think and question if there is meaning in our lives? Why should this generation educate themselves to have a live that has no meaning?

That’s the context for the questions I am asking myself while I work on my most important list. I want to be productive. I want to have meaning. I want to be present in my life, in my family, and in my job. I want a little solitude. I want to be as healthy as my choices can make me. I want my kids to see meaning in my life.
Do you have a list? Am I the only one who struggles with this?

Mama’s City Chicken (This Contains Meat!)

Time for weekly recipe! This was my very favorite thing Mama made for supper when I was growing up. It didn’t matter what else we had with it. The surprise is there is NO chicken in it. The amounts are approximate since this is one of those recipes that you don’t have to be perfect with. You need short wooden skewers and I couldn’t find them so I got hubby to cut long ones in half for me. I have made this using just pork when I couldn’t find veal and it was just as good.

About a pound of veal (cut in one inch cubes)

About a pound of pork (cut in one inch cubes)


Cornmeal, salt, pepper

Alternate pork and veal on skewer. Roll in beaten egg. Roll in cornmeal and seasonings. Brown in electric frying pan (about 350 degrees)

Cut up one onion on top of the meat. Add about a cup of water, turn down to 250 degrees and simmer till some of the liquid cooks down. Check occasionally so it doesn’t cook dry.

Serve this with mashed potatoes and your favorite veggie or salad. Yum!

Good Health News

After three weeks of escalating worry about my health I think we may be out of the woods. Medication seems to be the key and we just need to hear about the biopsies but the doc seemed to think everything would be okay.

Everything has been on hold for me but not because I was scared for myself. Funny – I can put myself in the Lord’s hands but I have some issues about trusting Him with my family. Maybe it’s a lesson I need to learn. There’s is a line in a Bill Engvall skit where he says there is one thing the Lord needs to know – he’s a C student. I seem to fit in that category as well.

I am grateful and relieved, and exhausted and as Scarlett would say “I’ll think about that tomorrow”. Thanks to all for prayers and thoughts.

Well Yes I’m a Nerd But… What Kind?

Okay Denise, as if we didn’t knownerdquiz.jpg

By the way I copied and pasted the code and the formatting didn’t show up for me so I did a screenshot. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I passed my 200th post this weekend. My kids said I was getting old but wow! I don’t know about everyone else but this is the first week of school with students for us so say a prayer watch the traffic, eat healthly, get plenty of rest, drink fluids – oh wait that’s the flu! Do whatever it is you need to have a great week and a great year!

Matching Classes With Real World Experts

I stumbled across a wiki called FieldFindr. The wiki is a mock-up of a website that would help match a class or class project with a real world expert in the related field.
The wiki was created by blogger David Truss after he posted on his blog about the idea.

Fieldfindr: A space where teachers can meet global citizens who have skills that they are willing to contribute to a class.”

Some of the comments on his post were concerns about how to validate the person’s credentials and how to protect the students. I hope someone can address those issues and run with this. The blog article was posted back in February so no one has jumped in but I can see a lot of value in this. We already do some of this within our community and maybe this is a project that would be best tied to a community portal. It would be easier to monitor and because of geographical proximity allow for the person to actually visit the class.

Apologies For Duplicate Posting And a Recipe to Make Up For It!

I have been distracted and posted the tips twice so I’m apologizing and I’m going to give you a recipe as a gift. I have decided that I will be posting a recipe here once a week since we ALL eat and I want to take care of the whole person – body, soul and brain!

This is a recipe for Corn Salsa that is actually pretty carb friendly and great for dialysis patients not to mention just plain delicious! (there’s that word again!)
Corn Salsa

1 cup fresh white or yellow corn
1/4 cup cilantro
1 cup chopped green onions
1 small fresh tomato diced
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon chili powder
Cut kernels off the cob and put them into a medium sized bowl or use frozwn corn kernels. Add remaining ingredients and mix well Adjust seasoning to taste and serve chilled or at room temperature.

Nutrient Analysis per serving (1/4 cup)
Calories 28
Carbohydrate 7g
Protein 12g
Fat 0.5g
Sodium 6mg
Potassium 86mg
Phosphorus 25mg
I use frozen corn kernels and it tastes great. It is better if you make it the day before and let it chill over night so the flavors can meld.

Good to pack in your lunchbox for a quick snack!

My Favorite Ways To Use

This is a cross post from my school blog but it really is one of my favorite tools so I wanted to share it here too.
While teaching a blogging class the other day I was explaining about feed readers and I showed some teachers and how you could actually have feeds set up to work for you. An example would be to type in a URL like this: then look at the bottom of the page for the orange RSS button. If you right click on it and go to properties you can copy the link into your news aggregator (feed reader) and as people add links to their accounts tagged scotland, you will see those links as a feed. You can also do the same thing but add another criteria to the search you can narrow down the search to items tagged scotland and history.If I wanted to keep up with what sites are popular on a particular subject I could type and this would generate the most popular links tagged on for scotland.

You can do the same thing with people instead of tags. If you have someone who is in your “circle of learning” you can subscribe to their tags (unless they have designated them private).

These and other tips can be found at if you would like to read more.

Technology Integration Day

My feet hurt – they are propped up and will stay that way until I go to bed. Tomorrow will be busy as everyone will be working in their rooms and they will be looking for me to solve all the minor glitches with their computers.

Today was Technology Integration Day and I did my Web 2.0 Presentation. I think it went well even though I threw a lot at them in a short time. I managed to cover everything I wanted to though I had hoped that there would be time for them to play online a bit. We finished right on time and despite my not being 100% physically and being totally distracted lately I’m reasonable satisfied with the whole thing. I had planned on WOW rather than reasonably satisfied but maybe I can build on this and work my way up to WOW!

I woke up last night from a dream where I found myself in front of a room full of people waiting for me to present and I opened my mouth and completely forgot why I was there. At least it wasn’t that bad!

A Woman To Admire

I’m going to take my commentor Carolyn’s advice and do a little therapeutic writing. I opened my bloglines reader this morning and clicked on my “interesting” folder. The folder mostly contains personal blogs that I read just for pure fun. I may accidentally learn something while I’m there which is my favorite way to learn. There is something delicious about starting out reading some random article that contains one little gem that catches your eye and leads you on a trail of treasures you didn’t even know existed!

That is how I found Confessions of a Pioneer Woman to begin with. The writer’s name is Ree and she is a self-confessed ” spoiled city girl” who made the transition to “domestic country wife”. She has four kids and calls her husband the Marlboro Man as she blogs and photo-journals life through her eyes. I have laughed every time I have visited her blog and for those of you with a culinary interest she also maintains a cooking blog where she chronicles the recipes with step by step photos of the country dishes she has learned to cook.

This blog is NOT for sissies – the real ranch stuff happens here so visit because it’s worth it but don’t say I didn’t warn you! There are cows, kids, and laughter!

Update 08/17/07

This blog keeps staring – sticking pieces of guilt on me like lint on an old sweater.  I want to write but I’m having some health issues that are knocking most rational thought out of my head,  I am scheduled for tests on the 28th of this month and if I can survive til then without going completely bonkers then I will have an update.  If I can shut out the worry noise I will try to post on something coherent but in the meantime keep a good thought and maybe a prayer or two for me.

I’m Still Here – Really (And Some Hints)

I am working on learning to create a WordPress theme and I am making progress but slowly! I have gotten to the part where I have to verify my code and I have managed to get down to four errors from eighteen so I’m getting there. I evidently have a few things open that need to be closed but my eyes are crossed and I can’t seem to find them tonight.

Part of me wants to go ahead and move on to the fun part but I know I need to get this part right or I will have problems later. I have typed the entire thing twice just to makes sure there were no typos and I think it was good for me because it is making a little more sense. I still can’t always follow the flow and I feel like that is what I need to understand so I can tell where these tags need to close.

Sometimes if I just put something like this aside for a bit and let it percolate I can come back with a fresh eye and do better so I’m going to shift gears for a bit.

While teaching a blogging class the other day I was explaining about feed readers and I showed some teachers and how you could actually have feeds set up to work for you. An example would be to type in a URL like this: then look at the bottom of the page for the orange RSS button. If you right click on it and go to properties you can copy the link into your news aggregator (feed reader) and as people add links to their accounts tagged scotland, you will see those links as a feed. You can also do the same thing but add another criteria to the search you can narrow down the search to items tagged scotland and history.

If I wanted to keep up with what sites are popular on a particular subject I could type and this would generate the most popular links tagged on for scotland.

You can do the same thing with people instead of tags. If you have someone who is in your “circle of learning” you can subscribe to their tags (unless they have designated them private).

These and other tips can be found at if you would like to read more.

Great Educational Science Video Site

SciTalks is a video site for science videos.  Registration is free but you do have to set up an account if you want to be able to add videos to your favorites list.  You can see the videos in one huge list or break it down into different disciplines like astrophysics or biochemistry.  There is some wonderful material here and did I mention it is free??

Just an Update

It rained this morning. This has not been an unusual occurrence in Texas this summer but this morning we got a little over three inches in a very short amount of time. There was street flooding all over including the drive into the school where I was supposed to meet for a class. It didn’t make any difference that the little entry road was flooded because the power was out too.

A house just a few streets over caught fire. There had been one of those cracks of thunder that shook so hard you could feel it in your chest and it came almost simultaneously with a lightning strike and I would be willing to bet that is what caught the house on fire. We were running around looking out of the windows trying to see where it struck because we knew it was close. It blew up my answering machine.

There is more rain predicted for tomorrow….

My friend B.J. is one the road again. He has been to two of my favorite places – Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.


Another one is Rocky Mountain National Park where the chipmunks are so used to people that they will come up and beg for food.


He was at Mt. Rushmore and hasn’t uploaded those pics yet but I will be watching for them.

You can see more of his travel pictures and some wonderful local ones on Flickr.

I spent a lot of time today installing xampp and WordPress on my computer so I could work on an online tutorial for creating themes for WordPress. The tutorial can be found here at WPDesigner and I finally have at least the basics of a title, post titles, content, and header information. I also got a little help from Geeks Are Sexy and both sites were tremendously helpful. It never ceases to amaze me how generous people are on the internet with their knowledge. Both these websites had to have taken hours and hours of work and yet the information is shared freely and extra help is given in the comments sections.

I hope to create a new theme for this blog and maybe some more. I like doing the “pretty stuff” as far as images and colors – what I’m learning right now is the nuts and bolts of how to get everything to go where it belongs!

Goodnight B.J. and Colby somewhere in South Dakota – see you soon !

Musical Geeks and What is Up With Holly Hunter??

My new favorite TV show is Singing Bee. Contestants sing lyrics to parts of songs and are eliminated for making mistakes til only one is left. My daughter is as hooked as I am and we both sit there rushing to google lyrics if we aren’t sure or if we disagree with the powers that be on the show. We are each surprised at the songs the other knows.

It’s a vast improvement over last night’s viewing. We had been watching previews of Saving Grace and so we had the channel set for the beginning of the premier. The very first frame showed Holly Hunter and her partner completely nude in a very private moment.

At least on Singing Bee the most embarrassing thing that happens is people forget the words….

Smoking Cessation Update

It has been one month and three weeks of non-smoking.  I would never have thought I could get here and I still have moments where I crave one but I have passed some important tests.  We drove home for a family reunion this weekend and it’s a three hour drive to Minden.  This was the first long drive without smoking and we made the whole trip in one day.   We have visited smoking friends and sat outside talking and we had a fight and made up all without giving in.  These were all stumblers in the past so I think we will make it.

Now I am going to have to work on weight loss – quitting smoking meant a lot more snacking and it shows.  It’s always something isn’t it?

Computer Centers for the Classroom

In a post on a student leadership panel by David Warlick, one of the students made the statement that she was tired of going to the lab to do technology. The statement was made that we do not make employees share computers at work (which isn’t entirely true, at least in education) the students felt that all students should have a laptop. If that isn’t an option but creating some project centers in classrooms utilizing xtenda boxes is – I’m thinking about what we could include in the way of software that would give maximum use for students. The following is my list but I would be glad to here any suggestions. Most of what I have listed is opensource and I’m concentrating of budget-friendly, but if you have a software piece that your students just couldn’t do without, let me know.

  • Firefox – of course for the browser
  • VLC – media player
  • Audacity – audio editing
  • OpenOffice – office suite
  • Abiword – basic word processing
  • GimpShop – graphics editing
  • Inkscape –
  • Google Earth
  • Comic Life
  • TuxPaint (graphics for lower elementary)

I’d like to know about a video-editing program that is either opensource or at least low priced and fairly easy to use. I have been spoiled by my Mac and want somethings that are “Mac easy” for the students to create with. I have included software ideas for elementary through high school. I know there is more out there and I will add to this list if I think of some more.

Software additions!
