Author Archives: Dee

About Dee

I am a working wife, geek, and mother of two with opinions about just about everything which I plan to share here.

Boundary Issues

Life overlaps, or at least mine does.  I would like to keep work, home, and church all in their own little boxes but they don’t seem to want to stay there.  Not only do parts of my life squish around into areas they don’t belong but they are never in proportion.  My life has boundary issues.

Some days I have too much to do at home but I’m at work where I have too little.  Somedays I have too much work stuff to do and home stuff interferes.  Today was one of those days.  I had unexpected things to do at work – a computer that I spent way more time trying to fix than I thought I would and then still had to call for help which always frustrates me.  I had to leave work on time because I had committed to picking up some files from the church for their website.  I thought I had plenty of time to do that and still make it on time to pick up my daughter from school not knowing that the pastor’s laptop is having troubles too.  Then there is the debacle of the miracle communication tool of our time (said skeptically)  – the cell phone.  I rarely use mine and only for keeping in contact with my kids when they need me to pick them up from various activities.  I tried every cell number I had and got nothing but voicemail boxes, then tried our home number and got the internet answering machine.  I was late picking up my daughter and when we got home my son had already left to pick her up.  It was a Chinese firedrill day.  I accomplished very little of what I started out to do this morning but in the end we all had dinner together and I’ll start over tomorrow.

Amen sister!

I read about someone turning 100 years old the other day and thought about all the changes they have seen in their lives. New inventions certainly, but I’m thinking about cultural changes. I’m a part of the generation that still remembers when married couples in tv shows had to have single beds and romantic displays of affection were limited and pretty chaste. My generation loved “Saturday Night Live” (back at the beginning when it was FUNNY) partly because it pushed the envelope with language, sexual references, and the irreverancy of it all. It seems to me we have pushed the envelope all the way off the cliff. I guess I could be stuck in “the good old days” rut but I think it is more than that. It is hard to find value these days, whether it be music, movies, or books. The media is owned by a few major companies who compete for our attention with what they think the public wants to hear. I would prefer to get objective news, and stories (whatever the media) that lift humanity up or educate us, or make us think.

Cecelia Weckstrom on her blog said this about technology: “To me the prospect that all this technological development is resulting in one thing dominating it all – porn everywhere, is a sad reflection on the state of our society. If all the various forms of expression (humour, satire, prose, poetry, music, painting, photography etc.) are all eclipsed by this subject, then I am inclined to think that civilisation truly is an oxymoron. Spam too – whoever thinks it works? I mean, who is the nitwit who thought that sending loads of rubbish to people’s inboxes would result in sales rather than uncontrolled fury?” Amen sister!

And Then She Said

I have been learning XHTML and CSS . Learning the two of them at the same time has been a challenge. I was able to get a background image to not only show in the correct place, but to not repeat itself all over the page in IE and I was so proud that I had to show my teenage daughter. She took a look at my CSS file and then she said “oh yeah, you have to say no repeat” I stared at her in disbelief. She told me she had been working on her Xanga theme the other day and figured that out when she couldn’t get her page to look right. I have a little bit different view of Xanga and my daughter now.

After spending hours searching out blogs on the sxsw conference, I have some different views on learning too. I was fascinated by notes on the presentation by Kathy Sierra “How to Create Passionate Users” It impressed me most because it seemed universal. People learn when they are excited or passionate about something. The question then becomes how to get them excited. How do we maintain that level of passion to keep learning. I’ve now added the book “Headfirst Design Patterns” to my wishlist at Amazon. Some of the ideas that have caught my mind are showing a picture of what success looks like and then providing a series of steps to get there. I know that when I am trying to complete a task that involves something I am new and unsure about, it helps to have an attainable goal in sight and to know I have the tools I need to get there. The phrase “being in the flow” was mentioned as well. We all have that one thing we do that causes us to completely lose track of time and the rest of the world. According to these “patterns” gradual growth is better than a big payoff. We need to see that while we still have further to go we have gone from point a to b and each level thereafter and we need to have that sense of achieving progress at each level. “Give users an I rule experience” I have definitely become a “passionate user” What could happen if we applied these principles to staff development? To raising and educating our kids?

Interesting Times

Thanks to Tony for setting this up for me!

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that goes “May you live in interesting times”

I spend a lot of time reading on the Internet . I also spend time reading articles I have printed from the Internet . I used to run out and buy a book whenever I wanted to learn something new. Now I just google it (yes I’m a google addict) and start distilling the piles of information down to the details that I need. This changing from books to Internet has been a slow process for me and don’t get me wrong, I still need my books. I can’t sleep at night without reading first. But now when I want to know the weather forecast, the latest news, the definition of a word, the author of a quote and a myriad of other things, I turn to the computer first. Recently I discovered blogs and now I find that reading, an activity I always found relaxing, has become another source of stress. What if my favorite blogger posts something important and I miss it?

Now with the advent of so many web-based applications, we can read, write, keep our contacts, calendars, and links, listen to music, and create spreadsheets and presentations, all online. The design of web sites has become an art form. There are communities on-line which for my generation totally re-defines the word community just by their existence.

I like the idea of instant information access. Working in the public school system, I see the web-based applications as a wonderful equalizer for students and teachers to accomplish tasks without worrying about software compatibility. This article for example, is being written on ZOHO Writer and will be posted later to a blog. I have been watching to see which applications will survive on their own and which will be snatched up by larger companies, and how these applications will be used. With some creativity, the possibilities are remarkable for education, for small business, and for the individual. I think it will also be interesting to see how these changes affect our long-term use of the Internet. Will my grandchildren still carry schoolbooks in a backpack?

The new web accessibility standards make the Internet easier for folks with disabilities to accomplish their online tasks and with many smaller towns looking into citywide wi-fi and public libraries providing Internet access more people will be able to utilize information and applications. Will we keep up with these developments in the public school system by providing information and training to our students and teachers on the availability and use of all these new things?

The Internet used to be about looking up information and email. Now instead of just a reference or communication tool, we can interact constantly by writing our own blogs, creating documents online and making them public, participating in wiki’s, and subscribing to news services that allow us to vote for the stories we think are most relevant and in doing so causing them to migrate to the front page. We no longer are just bystanders, we are actually creating the Internet as we interact. Contemplating the implications of that are enough to make me believe that we do live in interesting times!

CheeseCake Christianity

I was thinking about what church means to me, especially Wednesday night bible study. I learn a lot but it’s much more than that.
The bible teaching is the food that feeds my mind and I think that is one level that God is known on. What goes into your mind, if it is truly the Lord ends up in your heart.
For me though , the best is the singing. Sometimes when we are singing praise I go away. It really feels like I am singing to, for, and about Jesus and I can feel warmth on my face, like He knows that my heart is right there for him reaching out and worshipping him as though I am on my knees right before Him. My face seems to be pulled up as though I can see Him even though my eyes are closed.
I know that this is probably the least real Christian thing I do because I get way more out of it than I give but it lifts me up like nothing else.
The bible teaching is the meal, but the singing and praising is the dessert and dessert has always been my favorite part of the meal.


I signed up on pbwiki and have created a wiki or my newletter about the project lab at the high school where I work. It was very easy to learn and makes an attractive easy to read page as well as letting me upload files like my schedule for the rest of the year. It was an experiment that I enjoyed and would recommend.  The learning curve isn’t bad at all and I can see many applications for it.

PBwiki logo

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February 1st

There is a lot of talk about the blackmal worm on the net right now. It will be interesting to see if it really does delete office files and it will be even more interesting to see if anyone I know has it on their computer. Next week I will be gone to a computer conference and it will probably be then that people are having computer problems related to the virus if it is going to happen. We shall see.

Where do I go from here?

Well I guess I should start by telling a little about myself. I’m 51 years old (what a shock that is to me) but I think of myself as being so much younger LOL I am at a crossroads in my life. We recently changed from a small mainstream church to Calvary Chapel which is a non-denominational bible teaching church that has turned church upside down for us. The service usually consists of singing praise music and then the preacher teaches directly from the bible. The message today was from 1st Corinthians and the main point was that every question or situation we ever face can be answered by Christ and Him crucified. We have served on a multitude of church committees in the past, participated in many bible studies and spent months agonizing over what we were going to do about the “church situation”. We were getting nothing out of it and it had become on one hand a chore – something we thought we should do, and on the other hand, a social time where we met with folks we were friends with.

I have come to the conclusion that most mainstream churches have gotten to attached to the business of doing church and have lost the heart of the matter which is simply telling the story and then standing back and letting God do a work. We learn about Christ through the bible and then we take what we know to the world and let Jesus draw the world to Him one person – one relationship at a time.

I see these churches doing programming to death trying to bring the world in and maybe getting members to fill their rolls but do those members actually come to know Christ? I’d rather know that in my time on earth I brought one person closer to knowing Christ than knowing that I had brought a church a hundred new members.

When we stand before the Lord will he count it gain that we protested against some social injustice or that we spoke out in a judgemental way publicly against something we think is unbiblical? Will having a huge blow up slide for the kids or trips for the senior citizens make a lasting difference in someones Christian walk? And if I work on a church committee will I be doing it for God or because I think I should?

I think all I can do that counts for anything is praise the God who loves me for doing an ongoing work in me and trust that he will bring that work to completion. If I truly feel that way then I believe God will work through me to bring others to Him. That is the only way it will happen because I am not a person who is able to share the gospel with others in an eloquent way. I usually stumble all over my self and say the wrong things.

I know that we are in the right place at this time because I am learning things that may help me to not stumble – that will make me more confident in my knowledge. Especially when I keep remembering that the only thing anyone needs to know is Christ and Him crucified.