You are all making us cry with the comments! Thanks for all the support and BJ thanks for hauling my kids around!
Dale’s creatinine was down to 3.4 today so it is coming on down but his potassium was up kind of high. It was explained to us that the body is going through a lot dealing with all the new medicines and the kidney trying to get woke up and working right and that all these things should balance out. Dale asked how long before they start backing down on some of the meds and the doc said the first milestones would be at one month and three months so if everything is stilling going well at one month then he should be able to take less meds and that should help him feel better. He is a walking chemical plant right now – he says he should rattle when he walks!
He takes 3 different anti-rejecton, two antibiotic, sodium bicarb, a diuretic, a pepcid (probably to keep his stomach from freaking out over all the other stuff!), an after meals pill, 2 blood pressure, and a few more I can’t even remember. One of the anti-rejection drugs he takes is 3 capsules 4 times a day!
He has to go have labs drawn again in the morning to check that potassium. If it isn’t one thing right now it’s another!
It is brrr cold now too. I guess winter held off as long as it could. I will be happy as long as there is no ice. No one in Dallas will be safe if I have to drive on ice here.  We are going to go back to the apartment in a few moments and stay warm and dry!
I talked him into buying a cardigan sweater the other day – he has always worn pullovers. He liked it so much we went back and got him two more. He looks a little like an absent-minded professor in it.