Category Archives: Personal

Science is Disgusting

Actually “disgusting” is now a science. There has been research on how we associate “cooties” with certain things. For example, if you have a grocery cart full of items and the chocolate chip cookies end up next to the toilet bowl cleaner the cookies end up somehow less appealing to us due to their proximity to the thing we think is gross. It’s kind of like the old saw about laying down with dogs and getting up with fleas. They are using this research to rethink how items are arranged in a grocery store. In the past you would have one aisle for all the baby stuff – from diapers to formula. According to this research the baby food items would be more appealing if the diapers were elsewhere.

As someone who has had to go to the grocery store with babies I have to take issue with this thinking. If I have a toddler in the cart chewing on the package of cheese that I’m planning to purchase and an infant in the carrier screaming because they are wet/hungry/tired I don’t really care what looks appealing – I want everything on the same aisle so I can get what I need and get out. Now that my children are older I don’t really care because I will not be going to either area. I understand the point of the research and the conclusions but I think we take this stuff a bit far.

I don’t like it that someone will end up charging me more for my groceries because they have to pay some researchers who will tell them how to try to fool me into thinking I like something more or less because of what it is sitting next to on their shelf. If they want me to like it more – improve the quality and sell it at a decent price. Take out the trans fat and don’t waste, mistreat, or cheat anyone or thing in the manufacture of it. You can read an article about it here.
The next time I go to the grocery store I will be eyeing the arrangement of the displays with a new perspective. I hope the chocolate chip cookies don’t have “cooties”!

Day Four

I have completed four days of being smoke free. It feels scary to say it on this blog because it’s very public and I will be held accountable but maybe that’s a good thing. I am wanting one every minute that I’m not up doing something and I am eating everything not nailed down.

My friend B.J. made it to the north rim of the Grand Canyon yesterday and I’m anxious to hear where he went today. I may know before I finish this post. He has taken some great pics. Yesterday he actually got a shot of some Condors! Maybe that’s the advantage of going to the north rim. It’s more crowded at the south rim because the access to the views is easier and there are more places to look so consequently you have a lot more people around.

This is one of my favorite shots from the Grand Canyon

North Rim

This is the shot of the condors.


Summer Is Here

It has rained nearly every day and everything is the yard is green and thriving! I have started on the summer catch-up around the house and have a ton still to do! I made a dent in it today and I will keep at it – like everything else I am behind because last summer was all about taking care of Dale. We got the word today – he has the green light for transplant as far as his health is concerned – now we just need a donor.

My friend B.J. is on a road trip and has promised to blog it. He has already uploaded some photos to Flickr as you can see here.

CadillacRanchBumgarner.jpgHe is in Tucumcari and has already published an entry on I’m looking forward to taking the trip without ever leaving home! He did say that gas ranged from 2.97 up through 3.31 a gallon. Sounds like you need a bank loan to take a vacation anymore!

I shared a link with him for Comic Life which is an application that comes on the MacBook but now is out in beta version for the PC. That means there will be some bugs but when they get them ironed out it will be great. This is a fun application that easily lets you make comic strip like documents using pictures and then adding speech bubbles. It comes with preloaded templates – you just choose one and drag the photos to where you want them. Choose the shape of speech bubble and type in your text and you’re done. Today on Bionic Teaching I read about a class that is using this application to create ads for Greek gods and goddesses selling products. There are also some great creations there on copyright licensed under creative commons.

In 2006 Jeff Han gave a demonstration at TED Talks on an interface-free touch screen -and last night Microsoft announced the Microsoft Surface Computer which you can see here. I would love to play with one of these. Instead of spending hours learning an interface just start moving things around any way you like with your fingers. They also show loading things like pictures and maps onto someones phone from the surface. It won’t be on the market til winter 2007 but it will be making it’s appearance at different conferences and events. You can check back on their site to see where it will be shown next. It will be exciting to see how this evolves and if it makes it into the mainstream market. Imagine being able to do desktop publishing by simply dragging your documents and images around on a template and seeing the text flow to fit. Don’t like it? Just drag it somewhere else. Add voice recognition and we really will be using something that like what we only used to see in science fiction movies. The uses just boggle the mind. I’m sure it won’t be making an appearance in Paris Texas anytime soon but maybe next year at TCEA! You can read more about it here.

Is Everything Miscellaneous Or A Soap Opera?

A couple of random things rolling around in my brain this morning. I have been trying to nail down the meaning of Web 2.0 to give a definition to others and it is like nailing jello to the wall. As I research I keep in mind other related pieces and I read an article on tagging and folksonomy on David Weinberger’s site Joho.

I should have known that tagging things would appeal to me. I have always liked playing with and arranging things. When I was little I had one of those metal doll houses with the little furniture and plastic people. This was of course back when we could have swallowed the furniture and died or cut ourselves on the metal corners of the dollhouse. I liked taking furniture and putting it in the “wrong” room. Before people were putting making media rooms complete with little refrigerators and microwaves I knew it would be conventient to have the ability to drink and eat in the same room in which you watch tv.

The first time I saw a chessboard I of course had to spend hours arranging the pretty pieces in what I thought were interesting patterns that had nothing to do with the actual game.

Tagging appeals to me because I can “arrange” information, websites, pictures, media – anything you can save; into patterns that mean something to me. Some of my tags may be at least similar to how you would categorize something and some would have absolutely no meaning to you because they reflect a reference that is personal.

You would not understand why I might scan a photo and upload it to flickr and have it tagged pipeline unless you know that I took that picture when we were traveling along with a pipeline crew. At the same time I would probably add tags that would tell you it was a related to Arizona, 1980, and Grand Canyon. With tagging I have a dollhouse with unlimited furniture so I can have my refrigerator in the kitchen, living room and bedroom if I wish and all at the same time!

Now if I could just tag that pair of sunglasses I lost….

I’d like to hear some opinions about Twitter. I have read come comments about it and even though I have a tendency to sign up for every new thing that appears on the internet I have resisted Twitter so far. I used to watch soap operas (yes I know – confession time) but I don’t anymore.

I do however, get attached to characters in tv shows and like to read books by authors who create multiple novels using the same main characters. I get upset when a favorite character gets killed off a show or has a catastrophe befall them in a book. Is Twitter the new version of the soap opera? I don’t think my life in interesting enough that anyone would care what “I’m doing right now” but I can see how I would get the nosy curious side of me fed by peeking in at what others are doing. If you use Twitter and see some use for it for collaboration or education I would like to hear about it. Have I been missing out?

Big Wheels Keep On turning

Tomorrow is my 27th wedding anniversary. I have two kids in high school – next year and the year after I will be getting ready for first one and then the other to graduate.

I have lived in Michigan, Florida, Colorado, Louisiana, Arizona, California and Texas. I have had multiple jobs including salad girl, waitress, machine operator in a plastics factory, seamstress in a bra factory, art teacher in a residential facility for emotionally and intellectually challenged youth (hope I got that politically correct), “do whatever is needed” person at a small start-up newspaper, housekeeper, teachers aide in a migrant program, night staff in a small private mental institution (yes I’m serious – two of us even set up and dispensed meds), data entry at an office that kept track of licensing for surgical technologists, secretary in a drug abuse recovery facility, lifeguard, and a ten year hiatus in there somewhere to be a stay-at-home mom.

Dale and I bought a piece of land years ago when he did dirt work and he brought the dozer home. I drove it just enough to say I did it, and then we cleared the land, built the pad, put in the forms and poured the slab. We built a 24×24 garage and finished it off so we could live in it til we got ready to build. There’s a picture of me somewhere, nailing down shingles on the roof and another of me putting up styrofoam insulation. The idea was stolen from my parents with the plan to finish paying it off and then build a house. Instead we ended up selling when Dale got a job on the pipeline and we went off and lived in a travel trailer for awhile.

It was during that time that we stayed awhile in Blythe and I took a class in BASIC at the Jr. College there and spent a lot of hours in the RV playing Zork on an old TRS 80. There began my addiction to computers! I got an A in my class and also had access to their library. I read a book back then called Deep Enough by Frank Crampton who had mined in the early 1900s when they did it with hammers. Swinging two hammers to drive the spikes in to create holes for the dynamite was called double-jacking and there were photos of the LaBrea Tar Pits with the city off in the distance behind them. I made Dale drive me to L.A. one weekend just to see them and was totally disappointed to find they had become a postage stamp size park in the middle of huge buildings. I ordered the book tonight from Amazon as an anniversary present for us.
When the job ended we said goodbye to some wonderful friends and traveled a bit and finally settled in Denver til we had our son and decided it was time to head home to Louisiana where the cost of living would allow me stay home with him. Our daughter was born a little over a year later and I spent the next few years up to my neck in diapers, crayons, playdoh, and Happy Meals. When Dale got the job in Texas it was too good to pass up and we moved here and here we have been ever since.

Regardless of what the news may say, it has been a good place to raise kids. If we had stayed in Denver our kids would have grown up in daycare because it would have been impossible to survive on one income. There would have been some advantages but they weren’t the kind of advantages we wanted for our family. Oddly enough the kids probably would have gone to Columbine school if we had stayed – we lived in Littleton.
I remember the day the shooting happened. We were on our way to San Antonio and turned the TV on in the van as we came into Austin thinking maybe it would pick up some cartoons for the kids. Columbine was all over the news. My best friend lived several blocks away from the high school and her daughter had a houseful of kids who were trying to connect with their parents. The nearby park where we took the kids to swing on a visit years before became a memorial site filled with flowers, pictures, and candles. We checked in at the hotel in San Antonio and called my friend to make sure they were all okay. I remember having such a knot in my stomach until I heard their voices.

We all have these days in our lives where we feel that time stops for a moment and we take a little ramble back through the past. This has been one of those rambles. We have now been married for more than half our lives and have been so very lucky. I read today that around 50% of the marriages in this country end in divorce. The big wheel has turned completely around a few times over the years and there were a few times where I didn’t like my husband too much but we waited it out and the wheel turned again and everything came back around.

I think the big problem today is that people don’t want to wait for that wheel to turn. It’s been a great ride so far and If I had it all to do over again – I would. I guess if you can say that after 27 years you have done all right. I’d like another 27 years please. Here’s to you babe – you’re one of the great ones!


Personal Update

Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers. We made it through the first round of tests and we are waiting for them to schedule the stress test. We were given a lot if information to digest and we were both exhausted last night. The side effects of anti-rejection drugs are pretty scary and I know Dale is kind of trying to balance it all out in his mind. It would free him up from the dialysis and the diet would be better but the medications come with a chance of diabetes, nausea, lymphoma, melanoma, infection, and a host of other not so nice things. They have to be taken for the rest of your life or you lose the kidney. The actual surgery is the least scary part for him.

The traffic was terrible and at one point we actually managed to drive 8 miles in 45 minutes. It started pouring between Greenvile and Rockwall and my windshield wipers staged a protest and just quit for about 15 minutes. I was thankful for the mini-van in front of me that gave me tail-lights to follow till the wipers started working again. They have done this off and on for awhile and also refuse to turn off sometimes. They have NEVER done it when I have been near a mechanic of course. Mechanics and medicine – I’ll stick with computers.

On a personal note…

A year ago today Dale was in the hospital at the beginning of the worst summer of our lives. Tomorrow we go for his first round of tests for kidney transplant which means we are back where we started a year ago. He is stronger and in better shape that I would have ever thought he would be after the peritonitis. His spirit and his sheer hardheadedness is amazing. Our first appointment is at 8:20 in the morning which means we will leave the house at about 5:30. The last appointment is at 3:20 and we have to go to a total of three different facilities during the course of the day. They are predicting rain and I am hoping the worst of it will pass us – I’m not terribly comfortable driving in Dallas (especially when I am going to places I have never had to find before) and I’m definitely not comfortable driving in storms so I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

I shouldn’t complain at all – I’m not the one who will be poked, prodded, and x-rayed all day. We will spend part of the day in a transplant education class so I’ll be moving to the next chapter of everything you never wanted to know about kidney failure and were afraid to ask. I’m praying for no bad surprises. If he is told he cannot have a transplant it means a life sentence of dialysis which means for him 4 hours a day three days a week being hooked to a machine that filters your blood. It means feeling really crappy those days. It means having to be on a very strict diet, being more susceptible to all kinds of serious illness. If that is the verdict we’ll deal. If he gets the green light the next step will be having his sisters tested to see if one of them can be a donor. If not we get on the list and stay prepared for a phone call.

We will appreciate prayers – we’ve been blessed throughout all of this and part of me knows that those blessings will continue, The other part of me is weak and worries and gets very cranky and stressed. I wish I could be that person that everyone admires for their strength and grace. Unfortunately I happen to be a big bundle of crybaby nerves instead, who takes it out on the kids, or tries to stay busy to try to outrun it.

Okay – enough whining. We will do this just like you eat an elephant – one bite at a time. I’m turning in early – that alarm clock is not going to be my friend tomorrow!

I’ll think About it Tomorrow

Does anyone remember the old Bizarro World comics? The ones where the earth was square and superman was frequently evil? Today I feel like I closed my eyes for a second and woke up there. The currency of the times seems to be information and how you can spin it. Instead of right and wrong we have whuffie – respect or standing with our peers – rooted in some strange “reality” that can change depending on your point of view.

We talked about stopping cyberbullying today throughout the blogosphere and I think it is an extremely important issue. But I think the only way to stop wrong from happening in cyberland is to fight it in the real world. If we don’t teach and especially MODEL ethics and values in our families and our classes then there is no chance of it not existing in blogs, in forums, in Second Life – wherever humanity can have a voice.

I am making a pledge to myself right here and now that I will try to the best of my knowledge to stay off bandwagons for any causes. I have opinions and I will voice them but if my sources of information are blogs, newspapers, and TV then I have decided that after this last week, I will not be able to trust all the information.

What I have seen this last week has taught me these things. The information that we value so much and that is so easy for us to access is slanted, cut into pieces to show a particular point of view. Government is more afraid of that slanted media than determined to do the right thing. People in large groups can listen to the loudest voice and take everyone else in their direction just by their sheer volume. Those same loud groups will ignore the long term costs to everyone in order to get what they want. Individuals will scream accountability when the word they are actually speaking is entitlement.

Mama is long gone and I am an adult, but I have the strongest urge to go back to being a kid and just pulling the covers over my head.

Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
Through the slow parade of tears without crying
Now I want to understand
I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can
Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?

Jackson Browne

I believe we need to teach our kids to be accountable. We have to be accountable ourselves. I believe there is no shame in hard work, telling the truth, and admitting when you are wrong (which I AM much of the time!) I believe that there is no loss of power in being respectful to others and that one of the greatest gifts we can have is the ability to laugh at ourselves. I believe we should say we are sorry when we hurt someone, even when we didn’t mean to. I believe these things are true no matter what changes around us. I believe that we should judge others by the same standard we want to be judged by. I believe that no matter how hard we try we will never be perfect people but I believe we should keep working at it anyway.

I know this is a strange and confusing post but I can’t blog about the precipitating situation because of confidentiality issues. I’m just venting and very, very sad. I’m going to play Scarlett tonight and just decide to think about it tomorrow.

Kathy Sierra

One of my favorite bloggers canceled a speaking engagement and is unable to leave her home today because of death threats and sick comments on her blog and some posts on some other blogs that also referred to her.

She is not in education and yet she has taught me a lot. I wish I had some sage advice to offer her but I would be terrified myself.

As I read her post describing what is going on I couldn’t help but think it could happen to anyone. While she has the added public exposure of speaking to large groups (including SXSW) it just underscores that we really have no idea of who is out there reading what we write. I don’t think we should stop writing, and blogging is not responsible for a stalker. This kind of thing could happen to anyone at any time. We do need to be aware of our surroundings online though, just as we should be mindful of our surroundings in any public area.
We talk about teaching our students how to post online with a positive image and there is so much controversy about what should be blocked and how we should protect our students, but there really isn’t any such thing as truly protecting them. We can take measures to the best of our ability, to make sure that their educational experience online and off, is safe – but what it comes down to is no one is ever safe in this world. We just have to prepare them as best we can and hope it’s enough.

My prayers are with Kathy tonight as they are every night with the kids in our community. Sometimes when you have done everything else you know to do, that’s all that’s left but it’s no small thing. So stay safe Kathy and I hope the person is caught soon.

You CAN Teach An Old Handyman New Tricks

My husband is learning to cook. He watches the Food Network and the Take Home Chef and once a week designates a family night and he cooks something special. Last week he made “Elegant Chicken”. It was something he made up and it really was delicious. I was not home while he worked on his creation but he told me all about the process that evening. He wanted to flatten chicken breasts and cover them with cream cheese and chives and roll them up. The first step was to flatten the chicken breasts. Now, he has always been a “tool guy” and the garage and shop are still his domain and since he couldn’t find the meat tenderizing hammer, he improvised. You guessed it – he went to the garage and got a rubber mallet. He did have the chicken between two pieces of plastic wrap and he swears he washed the hammer.

The next step called for the actual flattening and his first swing was a little more powerful than he needed. He said the chicken just sort of went splat and he realized immediately that he would have to be a little more gentle. He finished flattening the chicken and was ready for the next step.

When he was shopping for the ingredients he found the little containers of softened cream and chives and he thought they looked a little TOO small so he bought two thinking about half a container per chicken breast. He opened the container and scooped about half onto the chicken breast and spread it out. He knew immediately that three quarters of an inch of cream cheese was too much for one quarter inch thick chicken so he revised his recipe and used much less. he then proceeded to roll up the chicken.

He also bought prosciutto to wrap around it and found that thinly sliced prosciutto does not peel apart easily. It stuck together and tore into shreds so in the end he said he just kind of crammed it around the chicken. When I got home he already had it on the broiler pan all wrapped in foil and ready to bake. We had to bake it for over an hour because the pieces ended up very large but it turned out great.

If I had done this it would have been an inedible pile of something you couldn’t get the dog to eat but he pulled it off. We may need to think about writing a cookbook. I would never have even attempted something so labor-intensive. It just goes to show you – if someone thinks they can do something, they probably can – given the right tools.

This post will probably be blocked by many due to the some of the chicken terminology, but I found out today that I’m blocked in china anyway.

A Day of Relaxation

What a beautiful day we had yesterday! My husband, daughter, and a friend drove up through the mountains in Arkansas and spent the day wandering and taking pictures. It was sunny most of the day and while the wind was kind of cool in the morning it warmed up in the afternoon and we just went where we wanted to and stopped when we felt like it. We have taken this trip several times but Dale has always driven before.  This time he got to be the passenger and not worry about anything but looking at the scenery.

Here is a picture of our friend, the fearless photographer!

fearless photographer! You can find his photos on Flickr. I go to his site for desktop wallpaper – he does some beautiful work! This is a rare photo because he does NOT like to have his picture taken, preferring to stay on the other end of the lens. I will probably be in trouble over this one.
Here is one more I took. No great photography techniques – just a lovely, calming view.

ark 07

We also stopped at a place that sold all kinds of rocks. Nothing fancy, the man had a small shop and about fifteen plywood tables outside displaying rocks and crystals of different sizes for sale. He was one of those people that loves to talk about his hobby and he wandered around with us telling us what the names of the different rocks were and where they came from. I bought a quartz crystal because it was pretty.

We had lunch at the Skyline Cafe in Mena, Arkansas which I highly recommend if you ever get up there. Go for breakfast or lunch though, they close at 2:30 in the afternoon. The salad bar is small but has a lot of choices, the food is good, reasonable, and plentiful, the waitresses are friendly, and you are on the road that leads out of town – up into the mountains.
We left the house about 8:30 in the morning and returned about 9:00 last night, tired and glad we went.

My Personal Reasons For Blogging

The internet reflects how fickle people are. I have been reading about blogging. Some say it’s the be all, end all. Some say that it’s already history and are already off to the next greatest new thing. There are opinions about what should be in a blog, how to drive traffic to your blog, how to make money on your blog. Some writers say you shouldn’t post personal articles on your professional blog. There are some blogs I read for pure enjoyment of the writing, some I read for information, and some to make me think.

A post by Doctor Bell made some of the thoughts I have had about all this bubble up to the surface. E-mail was discussed in another post and I have some thoughts about that as well.

I am easier to reach by e-mail than I am by phone. I use it constantly and have long passed from the stage where I forwarded every story that came down the electronic pike and rarely have time to read all the forwards that are sent to me. I try though and for a very personal reason. I recently had a relative in another state who had had a heart condition for years. She had stents, by-pass surgery, valve replacement, and through all that kept going as much as possible. She sent several email forwards a day and usually I just read them and deleted but tried to answer a few from time to time with a note. Last month one of her replies led me to realize that she was on hospice care. several weeks later we got news that she had passed. My inbox is emptier and the crazy thing is – I miss it.

That said, I want to list my reasons for blogging. I started out again, for personal reasons. My husband was very ill and we spent almost two months altogether in the hospital. I stayed with him and the hospital was nearly a hundred miles from my kids, my job, my church, and my friends. I felt completely overwhelmed during that time, and very much alone with my fear for my husband, my worries about my kids, bills, and the future. Writing and reading became my survival. I wrote about what was happening so I could look at it and say “okay – that’s that – now move on”

As Dale recovered, I was able to read and think about other things. It helped to think and write about a future I was starting to believe might exist. I was starting to hope again.

I know that there are probably only a handful of posts that have anything of any real value to people not actually related to me and even fewer that have any real original thinking in them, but I also see a growth process happening.

Blogging has become a habit I enjoy. The reasons are varied and in trying to break it down it comes out like this:

1. To crystalize my thoughts about something I am learning.

2. To share something I have learned with others. Even if I am reiterating information I think of it like rain on the pond. Each person posting on a topic is a drop and the ripples spread out from their little drop. Eventually the whole pond gets covered.

3. To pass on a memory, hopefully to my kids or to share with my brothers who live in other states and who I don’t see nearly enough.

4. To keep a record, maybe just for myself of what is going on in my life and around me.

5. To have conversations with people that can teach me, who I would never have the chance to get to know any other way.

6. To satisfy my addiction to note-taking (in a place where I can always find them LOL)

7. To make it pretty – it’s just fun for me to play with. I will occasionally change the theme and in the process of changing and adding things I learn more and more about the mechanics of the software.

WordPress and the Akismet feature do a great job keeping spam away. I will get the occasional spam comment entry but so far I have gotten an email telling me to moderate the entry every time.

My little corner of the blogosphere isn’t going to shake the world or make me rich. I will post occasionally about the personal daily muddling of my life. My grammar will NOT be perfect and I may even let a spelling error get through now and then. If you come here expecting some deep thought provoking conversation and find it, no one will be more surprised than me. It could happen – life is funny. I hope Ma Bell will keep blogging as well – her part of the pond needs it’s raindrops. If blogging is becoming old hat then so be it – I like old hats. They keep the rain off my head.

Support Net Neutrality

The very fact that I can publish on this blog makes me a supporter of Net Neutrality. I am going to make an intentional effort to learn more and be more vocal about this issue because to me the internet is the last place people have where freedom of speech truly exists. We read newspapers, listen to radio stations, and watch news shows on TV stations that are all controlled for the most part, by large media companies and so we see, hear, and read, what they want to put out there.

While there are issues in education dealing with kids safety online, validation and quality of information, copyright issues and more, I would rather we work to teach our students how to deal with those issues than open up my browser and find nothing but what my provider decides is appropriate or newsworthy.

I want to be able to choose for myself, and even if no one ever reads what I write, I want to be able to publish it. I want those same things for my kids. If you are interested in learning more about Net Neutrality there is a video you can watch that will give you some food for thought. It’s a little long so get a cup of coffee and have a notepad handy in case you want to jot something down.

Save the Internet | Rock the Vote

Update and My Recent SBC Problems Solved

SBC sent me an email customer satisfaction survey and I filled it out a couple of nights ago. I was obviously not satisfied and let them know. I still had not been able to get my PC to connect. They must have gotten my survey because a very nice gentleman called and walked me through some procedures. The upshot was that it was either my network card or the modem. The laptops at my house connect but I told him that the speed, while much faster than dial-up was not what I was promised by the original person who explained the service to me. He checked my line and said that it did seem a little slow but not to far from average for my area so I guess the maximum speed they quote is dependent on your area. I took my PC in to work and tried to connect on the network and no luck so I made a little trip to Office Max and twenty dollars later I have internet. It was no big deal to put the new card in though the old one didn’t seem to want to leave it’s home – it took a bit of tugging.

After I installed the new card, I hooked everything back up, turned it on and followed the instructions to update the driver from their cd. I clicked on FireFox and did the happy dance. My daughter is now happily surfing MySpace and chatting on MSN messenger. Hmmm, maybe I should have left out the new card.

I will be calling SBC back and thanking them for their help. I really am not angry that I had problems. It wasn’t even their fault. What I am angry about is that they were going to charge me $100 to help me until I filled out my little survey. How many people would have bit the bullet and paid the fee? I remember when you could get service by being polite and nice and it seems that more often than I like, you now have to be mean and aggressive.

I don’t know if it is because we have become so accustomed to rudeness that we are immune to anything else or if we are just so caught up in our own routine that it takes rudeness to get our attention. My mama always said “you catch more flies with honey”. It seems to me that nowadays you do better if you sting like a bee. I hate getting angry and I always try to be polite. It makes me tired to do otherwise.

I would recommend SBC now but I would add a few disclaimers and I would ask some questions about the computer they would be using. I would also warn people about the possible extra fees.

Dale has a cold and had some minor surgery in Dallas this week so we are not running full blast right now. A cold for him is a bigger deal that it is for most people. Dialysis patients immune systems are not very strong and they don’t have a lot of reserves for fighting off even minor illness so he feels terrible and we feel bad right along with him. The DSL problems took a back seat for awhile but at least that was something I could fix.

I’ll take a win even if it’s a little one.

TCEA and David Warlick

My notes on TCEA session Navigating the Digital Information landscape: The New Basics by David Warlick

Redefining literacy in the 21st Century. David’s goal for the presentation – get all the way through without mentioning technology. Session is about information (synonymous with technology)

Web2.0 document handout is a wiki – David uses his wiki handout to show use of a wiki.
Can be edited and updates as people edit it.
Can add blogs after attending presentation through editing wiki
2.0 conversation as opposed to old web – library

Future – What do we know about the workplace? Picture of an office in the future
Information age – last ten months more and more people have given up the telephone that sits on the table for the one that you can carry around in your pocket.
After conference go home and go to grocery store – more men with cell phones
We have made the decision that we want our communication something we can carry with us
(cuts table phone out of picture
5 exobytes information generated in 2003 but only 0.01% got printed
Cut paper out of picture
Webcams cut chairs out of picture
In future we may be wearing our technology – jacket in Europe marketed by levi straus – built in mp3 player, headphones, gps, phone rings gps toe rings
Cut computer out of the picture
Almost nothing left of the future office. This is about what we know of the future we are preparing our children for – almost nothing.

What do children need to be learning today to prepare for the future

Conclusion – stop integrating technology – integrate literacy
Teach our kids how to teach themselves

The three Rs are the same literacy taught in the 50s – we need reading. How to teach students to be able to validate information

Wikipedia has warnings about info that may be inaccurate – do newspapers and text books?

We have been taught to read whatever was handed to us by someone we trusted. Our kids are reading online – anyone, anywhere can publish. We have to teach literacy to be able to read text but also skills for exposing truth,
Example how many planets in solar system? Look in text book and Pluto is included – wikipedia has already been updated. It was updated in less than a minute.
Wikipedia and books – not a competition. Understanding what your library and the web is really good at and teaching student how to decide how to make a decision about which is appropriate at a particular time

Other skills

– Find information
– -decode it
– critically evaluate it, and
– organize it into personal digital libraries
We don’t replace literacy – we expand it

Arithmetic – all children need to understand the language of numbers
2 things have happened – solving a problem now is maybe a thousand numbers digital

Raw data – columns and rows of numbers from all over- searchable databases
Example data on earthquakes in a certain year range.
Highlight data, past into excel
Everything goes into first cell’
Convert text to columns – wizard finds column breaks and formats
Can tell it not to import entire columns
Imported info – made a graph scatter plot – showed a map of earthquake activity – world map tsunami
Arithmetic expands into employing information – raw material
Keyboard (piano) number generator
Compose music – process information

Writing – long tail (need to research this some more – many definitions out there)
Anatomy of the long tail
New media industry – rhapsody amazon netflix
Counted up number of products each sold and number of each product sole – created a graph which they expected to see but at the point where you couldn’t make money there was a long tail that showed ones that couldn’t be sold. (according to their larger percentages)This tail goes on because there is a new digital market for artists
Rhapsody makes 20% of revenue from the long tail – point being that anyone can make money on the internet selling their book, art, whatever. Maybe not enough to completely pay the bills but you could write and market a book that would sell enough to pay for kids college tuition (which David Warlick as done)

6.7 gig over the internet in 58 seconds – more than 200 sets of encyclopedia Britannica or 4 hours of dvd quality video
how do you get your message through in that storm of information – have to successfully compete with media for kids attention

writing expands into expressing ideas compellingly

sfett video student created a video showing corporations that use child labor and sweatchops – very powerful music with images and facts done by a fifteen year old as an alternative to writing a paper

writing – quality of information expression translate to video multimedia music communicates powerfully

need to teach the thread that stitches the other expansions together – ETHICS
information flows today without containers – not in pages in books. Nothing to keep it form growing larger and larger
teachers and librarians used to be gatekeepers – they stand at the gate not realizing that the walls are gone. We need to teach our kids to become their own gatekeepers –
ethical use of information should be an integral part of any literacy discussion

redefine literacy and integrate that

computers are now the pencil and paper of their day

David’s son – image with ipod, hooked into playstation, playing collaboratively online and instant messaging at the same time. We see this as technology – son would say this is information , he wouldn’t say a word about it being technology (youth everyday normal environment)
We need to be thinking less about the machine and more about the information

Why this is important – we are notinvesting in the next century- in our classrooms

china will surpass us in broadband by 2006
US has fallen to 21th in household broadband
US will be passed by slovenia in 2007

1983 nation at risk report
education reform has been happening ever since

in industrial age the curriculum didn’t change – now the world is the curriculum and it changes everyday.

“we will have achieved education reform when no teacher thinks they can teach the same thing the same way every day”

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How to NOT Create a Passionate User

I apologize in advance for ranting. In my last post I talked about signing up for DSL. I signed up with SBC and was looking forward to being able to do the things that dial-up doesn’t allow me to do. Open videos and audio files of online conferences in particular. All the laptops in the house work wireless and we have no problems with connectivity with them (though the speed is nowhere near what I had been promised). I still cannot connect with my PC desktop.

I’m reasonably sure that the problem has something to do with a setting for a network card and I have searched for a solution. I have talked to a few friends who are very knowledgeable and tried their suggestions.

Last night I gave in and called tech support for SBC/ My experience with dealing with organizations on the phone has not been stellar so I had put it off and I really wanted to figure it out myself but my family would like things working before I go to Austin next Tuesday so I bit the bullet.

The first person I spoke with was polite and walked me through everything I had already done and a few things I had not. None of those things worked and she told me that the problem was something on my computer and I would have to move up to level 2 of their tech support. I was put on hold for nearly 20 minutes and when the level 2 tech support came on line the very first thing she told me was that she could offer me a one-time support package for $99 dollars or I could join for 6 months for more. I have never even gotten connected and they want me to pay more. What??? My answer was polite but firm – I will try to figure it out myself and If I can’t I will cancel my service.
If I was able to get connected easily just by following the directions that came with my modem I would be extolling the virtues of SBC right now. I would be talking about it on my blog, telling my friends – even offering to help them get set up! I would be a “passionate user” and viral marketing would be happening as we speak!

I get excited when something works well. I will promote it enthusiastically. Now my conversation would go something like this:

“I wish I could tell you to switch to SBC DSL but even though I was told on the phone that it would cost me the same amount as my dial-up each month, and even though I was told the speeds would be much faster, and even though I was told that the installation was simple and that there is 24 hour tech support my wireless speed is not anywhere near what I was told and the installation is not working and to get an answer from SBC would cost me a 100 dollars.”

Not exactly the kind of review to make you want to run out and switch is it? The reason I took so long to make the switch was twofold. One reason was cost. I couldn’t justify the extra expense. The second reason was I like being able to go down the street and actually speak face to face with a person if I have a problem with their service. I’m thinking seriously about switching back.

I like to solve my own computer problems – if you want me to be passionate about your product make it tricky enough to use that I have to go looking for some answers but simple enough that I can find those answers and have a “yippy – I did it!” experience. I don’t mind working for “it” but I want “it” to be attainable and hopefully teach me something in the process. Don’t leave me angry, frustrated, and feeling taken advantage of. I spent three hours searching and will search some more today. I have not dropped my dial-up service so if I can’t solve the problem my family will just have to limp along with slow speeds.

Everyone has stories about dealing with large companies and this is not my first experience. This is just the first time I have thought about it in these terms.

If I have a good experience with technology I not only adopt it, I talk about it, I look for groups of people who are also enthusiastic and who have stories, comments, and tutorials for making it even better. I join the fan club! I am a newly converted MAC user and when someone has a PC I mumble under my breath about how they should buy a mac. Several years ago I learned how to use PaintShop Pro and joined user groups and learned from tutorials and even wrote a few of my own. When I started reading blogs I wanted one of my own and even did a staff development presentation for teachers to spread the word about how and why blogging in education is a good thing. Word of mouth is a great way to advertise and in this age word of mouth becomes word of computer – we have the venue to communicate a piece of information to a larger group at one sitting. Now I’m searching for forums that deal with other peole having similar problems.
Next week I will attend a conference on technology with about 8000 educators. If any of them ask me what I use at home to connect to the internet I will probably mumble something and NOT tell them to switch to DSL.

Popeye and Pureed Beets

My dad had three constants in his life – his love for my Mom, his friendship with an old fisherman nicknamed Curly, and his love for a good deal. He loved to go to flea markets and garage sales and NEVER paid the asking price. If someone had something marked a quarter he would offer a dime. More than once I would walk away embarrassed. He often went on his “deal hunts” with Curly.

Curly was Dad’s friend before he married my Mom. He was Polish and looked a lot like Popeye. He even wore an old captain’s hat. Years of fishing in the sun shaped his face. When I see the word grizzled I think of him – tan, wrinkled, stray whiskers. After his wife died he would come down from Michigan in the winter to stay with my parents in Florida. He would stay until his son Gary called to tell him the salmon were running and then he would go back north. They would all play cards in the kitchen with Curly and my Dad cussing and fussing like an old married couple. If the cards were not going his way curly would threaten to put a Polish curse on you.

One time he and my dad came home from town with a huge burgundy recliner in the back of my dad’s truck. He had purchased it from some guy selling chairs on the side of the road. It matched absolutely nothing in my mother’s living room which was rather small (the week before he had purchased 3 cases of pureed beets cheap – Mom was still mad about that because even the dog wouldn’t eat them) and they unloaded it onto the driveway.

My Mom met Dad on the front porch and told him he would not bring the chair in the house. Mom stood on the steps and was still shorter than Dad but height was not a factor in this discussion. Dale and I were out in the yard and could not hear the exact words but knew from the body language and gestures, things were not going to go the way Dad wanted them to go. We decided to stay out of the way – we busied ourselves looking as though we were hard at work pulling weeds. This went on for about twenty minutes. The entire time my parents were arguing about he ugly chair Curly was sitting in said chair with his Captain’s cap pulled down over his face and his feet up. He knew he was going to be helping Dad load the chair back in the truck.

In a few moments my dad headed back towards the driveway and for the first and only time I can remember the two men SILENTLY loaded the chair, got in the truck and drove off. Dale and I made ourselves scarce til supper. We all played cards that night but nothing was said about the chair. The only hint that something had happened was that Curly would cut his eyes back and forth between my parents and then rub his chin like he was going to rub the whiskers off.

Even Popeye knew when to keep quiet around Mom. I think there must have been one of those Polish curses on the chair.

Reality and Superstition

Yesterday I had lunch at a local Chinese restaurant. I usually think the fortunes sound silly but when I opened my fortune cookie after lunch it said to mark my calendar for three months from that day – good things are in store for me. That seemed pretty specific to me so after making sure that the house was “first-footed” properly this year I’ll take every scrap of superstitious hope I can get.

Today was my second day back at work after the holidays and it was actually more like the first day should have been. The power was out and the server was down for part of the day yesterday so the calls for help all started today. I felt like I ran all day and am still way behind. I did get some electronic Gradebook problems solved and some lab scheduling done but there are multiple computers with viruses that cause them to shut down and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. I used to know what to do but this one is a little out of my league.

I’m spending the evening researching it and sending myself links to tools to try tomorrow. Computer viruses are frustrating and cause so much time and productivity loss. It seems like as soon as you figure out how to combat one, another rears it’s ugly head. I am using a MacBook for the first time this year and so far I haven’t had a single problem with it. I wish I could say the same for the PCs I’m around.
I’m going to go back to my research and then have an early to bed night. There is rain heading our way and I have a good paperback novel to read myself to sleep by. I’m looking forward to seeing if my fortune comes true. April 2nd is my lucky day so I’ll be certain to post then. If things are going well then will it be random or will it mean my hopeful attitude influenced things? Do we make our own luck?