My notes on Wes Fryer’s presentation – The Case for 1:1 Computing
I will add the link to the podcast when he puts it up on his site.
Share a vision
Some great tools for saving clips from the web and accessing for presentations
Flickr creative commons
Google notebook
Journey we are on these days has incredible speed
1:1 learning
online podcast 15 minutes on school 2.0
silver bullet? There is no panacea that solves all the problems in education
1995 “prisoners of time†document
many things need to change
years from now people will be sitting around n nursing homes laughing about the debate way back on laptops in the classroom
the new phones (iPhone) more powerful than the computers that took us to the moon.
20th century was a read-only culture
21st century will continue to have read-only content but there will also be read-write
need to learn to use blogs to cultivate student writing safely
three main things
1. Majority of jobs in future will not involve a factory
2. Digital curriculum rocks!
3. Need fro RW & RO
4. Education (“v†and “t†words
5. Constructivism and constructionism
Who opposes this?
What changes your mind
Relationships and conversations
Echo chamber (in blogosphere this is hanging out with just people who agree with you)
“the Rise of the Creative class and A Whole New Mind – books to read
How are we paid – not based on how our kids do
We are paid by seat time
Bell defines learning – starts and stops
Learning doesn’t happen according to a fixed schedule
School controlling the time and place where you learn
You have to come to this place, at this time to learn
What will it take to thrive in 2065?
Sir Ken Robinson
With all the technology we have – we have no idea what the future work place will be like
Teach kids to do jobs that haven’t been invented to solve problems that haven’t been thought of
Not like a factory where you do a repetitive task, closely monitored
Robotics, building a robot, writing a program – constructionism
Thomas Friedman we are going to have to able to be flexible and be able to learn and unlearn
Who is going to solve the aids crisis, who will rid us of dependency on fossil fuel
Cooperation instead of competition with China and Pakistan
Presentation on Did You Know?
Dan Pink author A Whole New Mind
Why the right brained folks are going to rule the world
We need to value creativity the way we value literacy
In a one to one environment where all students are able to pull down the world,
Wes fryer value add to the district is when he can take ideas and remix them and add productivity
Understand – describe, explain
Knowledge – remember
Critical thinking
Self directed work ethic (this is how students will get staff development in the future at work)
(online courses)
Wes Fryer