Category Archives: The Pen

Mermaid’s Fate

for a contest at

inspired by the painting La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

the daughter of
the mer king fair
one summer morning
took the air
and chance would
cause the finest lad
to take a ride
upon the sand
and taken by his gentle
ways she sang her song
of love to rocks
and birds and waves
and pitied by the seaweed
witch who worked a spell
to grant her wish
to walk upon the land
as fish would swim
but with a price each
step would feel like
sharpest knives and
given just a cruel three days
to make the prince turn
to her face
with eyes of love
to seal the spell
she crawled upon the
land to dwell in
kingdom’s thrall but
cruel as luck would
twist her days the
prince made haste to
war and missed the
chance to meet and
feet gave way to fins
in time no longer sea
but neither land
she held her head up
high and waited
to be taken by her fate
regretting not her loving
choice she raised her voice
in final song to fish and
waves and birds and sound
becoming one with
rocky ground

Fearing Change

from a picture prompt

she ran and ran
til breath was harsh
and burning in her chest
then ran some more
as time and time had
passed and she did rest
and sinking down
upon the ground she slept
til morning rose
awakened by the song
of birds in trees and by
the sun and breeze she
wrapped her arms around
her knees and laid her head
and wished and said
I will not wish for foolish
things like lace and feather
and diamond rings
I only wish for songs to sing
and laughter in the afternoon
some bread to eat
a cozy room a pillow
soft to lay my head

she had not run near
far enough for all
her problems waited
for her to return and
go she must and trudging
through the summer dust
and dried up leaves
she headed home but
something happened
as she roamed she knew
the answer though unasked
she’d live inside her head
and heart til as the time
would pass some more
the wolf would come
and at her door the howl
would beckon in the night
and she would overcome
her fright and go with
moons and tunes and
in the dark their voices raised
greet moonlight phased
for lovers choices

Hope Comes Creeping

Sunday Scribbling 229: Dangerous

I am afraid of many things
of sharks that bite and
bees that sting and spiders crawl
upon the wall and yet the thing
that most of all can
make me whistle in the dark
take the long way round
the park and feign the coolest
nonchalance is not a
living slimy creature nor has it
a furry feature unseen or
heard a little bird that
cruelly whispers in my ear
and tells me that the morn
is near and dark will end
and second chances
come around like dollar
dances changing partners
changing songs
all that is within me longs
to just believe and yet
a part just cringes deep
within my heart
for if I hope I dare
I leap I risk a disappointment
deep and silly me
I’d rather not I’d really just
as soon hold off if I
have little to expect then also
little to regret and yet
the whisper drags me in
pulls me in holds me in
the thrall of all the dreamers
silly schemers crazy weavers
of optimistic silky webs that
catch me and unhinge me
I am left without the armor
where’s the harm she sings
and I just cling and close my eyes
and say I’ll take a ticket please
the ride is worth it and the ups and
downs the clowns and even
scary thrills and chills uphill is
better than the boring flatlands
of my hiding place

Maid for Better

Creative Copy Challenge #68

Use the following words and then highlight them.

1.    Bellybutton
2.    Digital
3.    Ding-a-ling
4.    Guacamole
5.    Iceburg
6.    Kangaroo
7.    Nail
8.    Percent
9.    Speed
10.    Vacuum

Roz heard the irritating little ding-a-ling from upstairs.  She sighed and glanced at her digital watch. It had to be the twentieth time today and it wasn’t noon yet.  She still needed to vacuum and that old iceberg upstairs would want her lunch at exactly twelve-thirty, not one minute after or she would be ringing that blasted bell.  She smoothed her pink nylon uniform and straightened the prissy little lace cap. It seemed to represent this entire house.  Silly little useless things covered every surface and served no purpose other than to catch dust.

“Coming” Roz called as she trudged up the stairs.  She started to chew on a nail and then remembered how Miss Alice lectured her the last time she noticed her nail polish was chipped.  She could still hear that whiny high pitched voice. “If you are going to wear that atrocious color at least refrain from chewing your nails.  Show some self control!”  Every line punctuated by her little kangaroo arms waving bird like claws.  Wouldn’t she have a fit if she knew about the bellybutton ring.  The thought made Roz smile for a minute.  She took a deep breath and opened the door. “Yes, Miss Alice?”

“Have you started lunch yet?  You know I like my meals on time, and could you fluff my pillows please? Her little wrinkled nostrils flared and contracted as she tried to suck in enough air.

“Yes ma’am.  I made some guacamole and salad. It is chilling and I will bring your tray at the regular time.”  Roz held her bony shoulders up and fluffed the pillows though the skinny little thing barely made a dent.  Ros smoothed the lace bed jacket and straightened the bow.

“Well see that you are one hundred percent on time on time!  Did you finish the downstairs yet?”  Her baby bird neck vibrated as she spoke.

“No ma’am.  I was just getting ready to vacuum.” Roz pushed her hair back.

“You are lazy.  I won’t tolerate incompetence.  You know there are other girls out there who need employment, and fix these pillows!”

“Certainly Miss Alice.” Roz reached for the pillow and with speed she didn’t know she possessed, crammed the pillow down over the old woman’s face.  It didn’t take much strength or time before everything was silent and peaceful. Roz went downstairs and plugged in the vacuum cleaner.  She hummed as she worked.

Sometimes The Words Flow Endlessly

posted at

A day when words
just flow and go and paint
a picture grab a feeling
slam it at you are the days
the ways that keep me writing
on a day that’s dry

and fallow shallow nothing
special empty of all meaning
gleaning chaff instead
of bread I dread those days
a day of fear that days are here

to stay but somehow
morning comes and there
is something where I
look for sweet release
a peace that comes when

I am done just let the fingers start
the heart will follow
hollow out a little place
a space where I can
lay it down a trickle

tickle then a stream a river
flowing out and over giving
endless weightless freely
pages stages leaves
that fall and cover me


Three Word Wednesday CCII Grimace, Phase, Stumble

each phase of life must carry
change and also
inability to change that chafes
and blisters feet too tired
too sweet the choice that
lets us move through meadows
green and easy though
the valley waits and peace
is not around when needed
what is heavy
bows the shoulders
faces grimaced with the pain
of rain that falls like rocks
and feet that stumble
smallest stones make
blistered heels when
choice is made by
others or by life itself though
we would take a different
path the way is steep and
shadowed and we climb it
every day and night and
pray for different paths of
our own choosing often
losing sight of stars and sun
and shady trees and winter
freeze the seasons change
and so will we and burdens lifted
life unscripted dreams unsifted
we are blessed and stressed
and tested daily just
keep walking
scenery changes all life
changes all life hinges
on those phases we must go
and grow and show the
scars compare the joy
the peace the pain
the life
we gain