Category Archives: The Pen

Morning Comes

One Single Impression: Tremble

branches tremble nimble
breezy crazy lightening flashes
crashes thunder under my bed
my roof the proof that we
are small and all that keeps us
here is how many feet between
us and that last strike I like
the knowing we are tenuous
and breath is precious and
storms are treacherous so
burrow down beneath the covers
til it’s over dawn will break
by faith we wake
We know we will be here in
bed the moon over
head but setting so the
sun can come and dry up all
the rain and pain and stain
of yesterday is gone we’re
new clean slate to do
the doings of the new day
start again for that
is what we do when
storms have past we
cast about for reasons
to believe when all we need
to know is we are here
and it is morning

Moon Glow

I went to see a friend
who bought a telescope
and saw the moon
so big just part was
in my view and I could
reach my finger out
and rub roughness
craters linger on
mountains canyons
bright so bright it hurt
but comforting to know
that though
I could not see the sun
it’s light mirrored
clear the lunar surface
proof that darkness cannot
win the night will cool and
give us rest but though
the sun may hide her face
she causes moon to glow
the proof the truth
her love shines though
we be blinded by the dark

Go Fly a Kite

One Word: Kite

It’s supposed to be a minute but sometimes…

kites and lights and sites
that please the eyes have
never been so clear so
near to all the joy of all the air
brightly colored paper thin
bits of wood and balls of string
send dreams and hopes up
to the clouds and how we
love to watch them dance
chance tearing wind and
we are on the ground but wish
to send our spirit up to
swoop and soar and climb
and not unwind too far
but just enough to touch
the more and out
of reach of hands and feet
sweet gravity is all that
holds our souls within
without it we would be
the kite and there would
be no tether


Pow prompt

this is not the way
I remember the book
I wonder why I fell
tell me please which
way to tea the cheshire cat
says walk on by and I
will try to listen to the march
hare I care about the
dormouse too who is the
latest greatest thing in wonderland
(but not the king) who is later
than all the cards add up
to more here than meets
the eye especially if
you are just looking for
your cat the white queen
is quite mean and
mushrooms make you
taller than all the houses
in the land
of wonder

Hope Floats

One Word, one minute, write.  Balloon

Standing on  the cliff, valley spread out before her, she closed her eyes and held out her arm.  Without looking she could feel the warmth of the sun and the mountain breeze on her face.  She opened her fingers and her eyes at the same time and watched the wind take the yellow balloon with the word Hope printed on the side.

Laughter Is The Best…

Three Word Wednesday CXC: dread grasp pacify

Dustin paced around the apartment, movements growing jerky as minutes ticked by.  He walked in erratic circles, closer to where she sat, knees pulled up, arms clasped tightly around her legs.

She learned months ago that there was no point in trying to pacify him.  The rage would run it’s course.

“What do you want me to do?” He grasped the tufts of hair on either side of his head and pulled it.  “What do you want me to do?”

She dreaded this part.  She knew it did no good to answer and knowing what was coming she should have been running instead of sitting here ticking off the steps like a shopping list.  The laughter sat in her belly, shaking her, as she tried to tamp it down, bury it.

“What do you want me to do?”  He walked faster and knocked the clock off the table as he cruised by, pulling his hair, elbows out like some kind of manic chicken. “See what you made me do?”

He walked toward her and the laughter sitting inside, burst out and she doubled over, tears streaming down her face, holding her sides.  She laughed so hard she barely felt the first blow.  After that she didn’t care.

Basic Black

one word, one minute, write

One Word: Dress

It was black and simple and she had saved for two months.  It was perfect.  She got her hair and nails done and knew this would be the night.  He picked her up and took her straight to his place without even buying her dinner.  The gun matched the dress.

Night wings 13

Sunday Scribblings #215 -Recipe

Okay, this isn’t really a recipe and I will post an actual one later. I thought it was past time for another Night Wings story. I would also like to take a moment to thank the bloggers at Sunday Scribblings for posting a prompt week after week.  It has taken me on the most surprising journey and introduced me to other bloggers prompt communities.  What a blessing it has been!

Kystel turned the pages carefully.  “Well it’s definitely not a cookbook!”

Emelia snickered.  Ralph frowned at her and touched Kystel’s hand.  “Look here!”  He turned to the middle of the book.

“But…the pages are blank!”  Kystel looked at him puzzled.

“It’s not finished.”  Ralph grinned.

Kystel turned back a few pages and found a drawing of a group of people crowded around a prostrate winged figure.  There was light all around them and she could make out details of their faces.  There was Emelia and Lolly, Ralph, Arkin, and Sloan.  In the midst was a girl with long brown hair streaming, wings extended and covering all of them.  Their translucence allowed light and shadow to show through but the light was concentrated on the face of the one on the ground.  “Ryall!  But how?”

“That wasn’t there yesterday.” Ralph looked triumphant.

Kystel looked back down at the book, turning the pages back.  There were diagrams of inventions and pictures of  a skinny guy working over them.  She found pictures of the pendent that Emelia now wore and poems and stories hand written.

“But how?  Or who?  Kystel knew she was sounding like an idiot.

“I don’t know.  Writing appears on the pages and it either shows something that has happened or points to something we should do.  I look at it every day to see if there is anything new.  This morning these pictures were there.”

“There is a name inside the cover.”  Kystel ran her fingers over the old fashioned writing.

“Simon.” Ralph said.  “I think he talks to us through the book.”

For more Night Wings Click Here


One Word: Meaning

the first stanza completed in the requisite minute. The rest?  Well…

the words the look the sound
the meaning can be found in
many places and ways of hearing
and seeing and your heart knows what it
knows but is it the meaning

the where we’re from and where we go
the who and when of all
the more and less than what is really
truly spun out of the thought
we say what we mean but
mean what we say or what
you hear and read take all within

my words transform
to your words your alchemy will
spell the magic of the is and was
and will become and you will write
and I will write and ripples flow
and we the stone that’s thrown
touch words across the miles

the stories of our words
of poem and tale and form
take pieces of the writer
dreamer poet soul of
all the writers poets
tellers of stories and fill
an ocean of emotion and history

a mystery to me and all
the tenuous connections of
humanities’ inventions
chronicled here and there and
now again go out
come back and never left
not bereft but more added
piled high to night
the fire burns and never
ever goes out

Wolf Moon Magic

She closed her eyes and sat still as still next to the fire ring. He played the first notes and they drifted up into the dusky sky.  She felt the song in her bones and let her voice gather the words as she found a harmony that wove around his melody and together the music built until the fire ignited and sent a shower of sparks into the lateness like harbingers of the fireflies to come.  It grew and wove out from them into the trees and the wolves howled and a mourning dove adding to the power until she was not her anymore but a part of the music, the chorus taking her to the top of the mountain.

She had asked him once “Why can’t I make it come to me?”

“Because it isn’t a thing to be held or controlled.  There’s a danger there to think so.  It only comes in the between.” He rubbed oil into the wood of the lute and the fireplace light gleamed in the reflection in the grain.

“Between?” Her brows drew together as she tried to puzzle it out.

Simon smiled. “What good would a sunset be with no one to see it?  What good would eyes be, with nothing to behold?  The power lives in the give and take between the two.  Even that is not a complete explanation, because it grows and encompasses everything it touches.”

Jae tried once to sing by herself in the woods and it sounded pretty but there was no magic in it.  This night though, it was all around and the very fabric of the music held it and was held by it.  She felt it gather in her throat and the instrument Simon played became more than it was meant to be and as they came to the end of the song they finished on the same note, leaving a complete silence as though the wind itself was holding it’s breath.

Simon’s skin glistened with sweat and her face was wet with tears she had not even realized she was crying.

He laid the lute to the side and smiled at Jae.

“It’s time isn’t it?  Jae looked a little sad.

“Almost.  Tonight there will be no chains.”

“But I don’t want to hurt anyone!”

“You won’t.  I will leave you here and as I descend, magic will follow me that will turn you away should you try to come to the valley.  It’s time for you to learn things that I can’t teach you.”

“How can I learn?  It took me months to get used to waking and knowing that I had eaten the animals you left me.  I don’t know that I could….I mean, they would be alive.  I would have to kill them myself.”

“You have helped me trap them before you went into the cave.”

“It’s not the same. How will I know what to do?  What if I can’t?”

“There will be help.  The howling we heard with the music is a pack that lives here in the mountains.  They have come each time and stayed their distance, waiting for you.”

Jae stared at him with fear in her eyes. “I’ve heard them and a couple of times I have caught a glimpse of them.  Are they like me?”

Simon knew she meant were they wolves all of the time or just when the moon was full. ” Most are birth wolves but there are some who are not.  They can teach you to hunt and someday to control your change so that you don’t need the moon. I know you are afraid, but you will be protected and this is the only way.  They have watched over us and you see they have not attacked me in the night when I slept outside the cave. I will return for you in the morning.”

Jae took a deep breath and looked away from him. “You had better leave then.  It will be dark soon.”

Simon reached out and touched her shoulder til she turned back to him. “I wish I could stay with you but it’s better you learn from them.  I will be waiting for morning, daughter.”

Jae nodded, “Go on then, I feel my bones aching.”

Simon picked up the lute and started down the path and turned back one last time. Jae held up a hand to wave and found her throat was closing and her eyes were burning.  It wouldn’t do to be seen crying by a pack of wolves.  The thought made her shiver.  She went into the cave out of habit.  The way it felt to change was painful and she didn’t want to be seen, even if it was by wolves.  She lay down inside and curled up for a moment, wishing she was just going to dose off for a nap but darkness had fallen and she felt the now familiar aching that turned to fire that melted her as she became the wolf.  She stood and shook off the alien feeling and stood for a moment growing accustomed to the feel of her limbs, the closeness to the ground and the smells and sounds of the night.  There were other wolves nearby and a deer just outside the clearing. She walked to the cave opening and lifted her nose to the scent on the breeze.

When she looked down again there were four wolves that had silently stepped out of the tree line.  Three stood stock still as one took a step forward.  The three growled quietly. The one said “I am Aedan.”  Jae lowered her head, something inside telling her this one was powerful.

“Come with us.  The man Simon has asked us to teach you.”

Jae looked in wonder.  She could understand everything he said.  He turned and the three followed and after a moments hesitation, so did Jae.

More Wolf Moon tales

Magic Lives

Just because

for promises true
this one to you
the heart the art
a little fey in all
the souls of those
who lay the bones
pen and brush
and instrument give
joy to those who see
and hear and dance
but more to those
who live with magic
that will out the spell
is cast and lasts a life
time or a moment
but must be given
away or die

Honeysuckle Wind

One Word: Stand

One Single Impression: Reign

honeysuckle wind
tastes like rain
the birds all puffed up again
the reign the weather
she is queen around here
spring is her season and she
don’t mess around her dress
is green she can flirt
you will hail her as
she twists and whistles right
by the dark clouds
the wall clouds the how’d
you hide in the cellar
and she raise the roof when
she wants you just tell her
do her thing hold
on and hope you are there
come morning
some prayer that goes up
so you won’t have to
leaves all inside out
spouts of water big
fat raindrops you know the kind
that sound like bacon frying
children crying
but the sun comes flying
and drying all the puddles
and the muddles where the
huddles of all the people
say amen
we got flowers and showers
and towers can’t stand against her
don’t you try she will be
sweet again and the singing
will commence as feathered
in the sun weathered by the storm
dawn gives us a come hither look
and see she is all around blue
and green and golden
fruit and blossom breeze
gardenia tucked behind her ear
smelling sweeter squeeze all
the juice and spit out the seeds
she grows them up again
with honeysuckle wind

Wolf Moon Courage

Sunday Scribbling Courage #2 and One Word: Trial

That first night and for several nights after, Jae was sick and in so much pain.  Her leg burned as though it were on fire.  She remembered flashes of her mum crying and her da holding her still while Simon worked on her leg, putting awful smelling poultices on it.  He made her drink and they put wet cloths on her and her fever finally ran it’s course. She heard snatches of conversation but most of it just confused her.

“Do you think she will turn?”

“I don’t know.  She will live is the only thing I can know for now.  We will have to wait and see.”

“What will we do?”

“I will take care of her, no matter what happens.”

One morning she woke up and opened her eyes and saw the sun shining in the window.  “Are you hungry, child?”

“I…I think so.  How long have I been here?  Where are my mum and da?” Jae sat up, still a bit shaky.

“Breakfast is almost ready.  You are going to stay here for awhile until you get stronger.  Your mum will come see you though.  Here you are then.”  Simon set tea and bread on a tray and brought it to her.  She had never eaten in bed before.  “When you are through we will see about getting you up and outside.”

Jae liked Simon.  He took care of her leg and now that it was healing, he showed her how to take care of plants and taught her what was good to eat and what cured sickness.  He taught her about animals and all about everything in their valley.  Her mum and da came often.

One day they came and they ate out under the trees.  Jae played an instrument that Simon had taught her. Before they left, her mother turned and hugged her tight.  When she turned away again Jae was sure she was crying.

Simon was gathering some bread and cheese and a skin of water. “Where are we going?”

Simon smiled. “We are going up the mountain, to a special place.  When we get there, I have a story to tell you.  Get your cloak and your walking stick.  We will be gone all night.”

Jae’s leg still got tired sometimes so Simon had carved a walking stick for her and helped her decorate it with clay beads and some feathers.  “Is it very far?”

Simon held the door for her. “It is pretty far but we shall be there well before dark.  They followed the path that led out of the valley and then took a turn in a direction Jae had never been.  As they climbed, the air cooled and the vegetation became sparse.  They didn’t speak for awhile as the way was steep and rough.

“Let’s rest a moment.  How is your leg?”

“It’s a little stiff but I can keep up.” Jae grinned at him and he smiled back. He had grown to love her like a daughter and his heart was breaking.  He knew there was nothing he could do to stop what would happen, but he hoped he could help her through it.

“Look behind you.”  Simon’s eyes were aglow.  Jae turned and caught her breath.

“It’s so beautiful!.  They sat on a felled tree and Simon handed her the waterskin and broke the bread to share with her.  The sky was crimson and orange.  When they had eaten, Simon stood.  “We are almost there.”  He poured a little water on the ground and sprinkled a few crumbs around.  Jae watched him.  “We should always give thanks for what we have and what the earth gives us.”

Jae tore the few pieces of bread she had left and gently laid them on the tree.  “I am grateful for this place to rest.” She said.  Simon nodded and they continued on their way.  They had not climbed for long when they came to a clear flat place  There were tall evergreens shading all around the clearing and a cave nearly hidden in the side of the mountain.  “This is it.” Simon said.

“What is this place?”  Jae looked around and tried to peer into the cave.  “Are we going in there?”

“In a moment. First, let’s sit here a moment.  There were rocks at the edge of the clearing, worn smooth as though many had taken their rest there over the years.  The remains of a campfire could be seen in front of the cave.

“I have a story to tell you now and it will take courage to hear.  Do you think you have courage?”

Jae tilted her head to the side as she thought.  Simon never asked simple questions and she knew from experience he did not want quick answers. “I hope I do.  I don’t think anyone can know for sure until they are tested by trials.”

Simon smiled. “That is a very wise answer.  I want you to listen now.  You may be tested but know that no matter what, I will be with you.”

Jae shifted nervously in her seat.  This didn’t sound like a good story.  Simon asked her about the night the wolves chased her and her da.  He told her stories about people who had been bitten.  “Sometimes when a human has been bitten by a wolf, it changes them.  Before this night is over we will know if you are one of those.”

“Is that why I have stayed with you?”

“Your mum and da love you, but they would not be able to control you if you changed.  You could hurt them.”  Simon watched as she absorbed what he had told her.  She crossed her arms and stuck her chin out. “I would never hurt them.” She said.

“Not unless you were something other than yourself.  That’s why we have come here.  There are chains in the cave.”

She glanced nervously at the cave and then back at Simon.  “You mean to chain me up?”

“Only for this night. There will be a full moon and if you have been affected, we will know tonight.   I will be right here the whole time.”

“I can’t ever go home, can I?”  Simon’s heart broke for her.  She looked so small and scared.

“You will be able to live at home but you will have to come here when the moon is full.  I will come with you. I wish I could do more…” Simon’s voice trailed off.  He sighed and stood.  Let’s get a fire going and light a torch to take into the cave and I will get you settled.  Do you trust me?”

“Yes.”  Jae had heard stories of sheep being killed and once a child had been taken from there valley.  Would people know?  Would they be afraid of her? What if they wanted to hunt her down?  She helped Simon gather kindling and larger pieces of wood for the fire and soon it was blazing.  Simon tied a bunch of brush together and created a torch that he lit from the fire. Jae followed him into the cave.  There were chains attached to the back wall and she looked up at him and then squared her shoulders and walked over to the chains.  She positioned herself to match the location of the chain and Simon wrapped it around her and fastened it.  “How do you know this will be enough?” She felt a little silly asking that.  She was small but Simon had said she would be very strong if she changed.  Maybe this was all for nothing. Maybe the wolf that bit her was not infected.  “It’s going to be dark soon.  You better go out by the fire.  Will you talk to me some so I know you are still here?”

Simon placed his hand under her chin and bent to kiss her on the forehead. “Of course I will, daughter of my heart.”  Jae’s eyes filled with the tears she had been holding in.  She blinked hard and smiled defiantly.

“We shall see just how much courage I have, tonight!”

Simon smiled sadly.  “You have more courage than most men.  I am proud of you.”  He turned and walked out of the cave.  Jae watched him go and finally let the tears fall.

Out by the fire, Simon took the lute and a pipe from his pack.  He filled the pipe, talking as he did, about the valley and this mountain and how he had been here before.  He lit his pipe and while Jae could not see him, she was comforted by the familiar smell of tobacco.  As darkness fell she began to sweat though the night was cool.  The light from the flames outside flickered around the cave, throwing forbidding shadows all around the walls.  She was frightened and angry and hungry.

Outside, Simon had set some traps just out of the clearing and as he heard them spring, he went and found rabbits and squirrels.  He finished ringing the neck of one that didn’t die, but was badly injured.  He brought them to closer to the fire and now it was nearly full dark he sat down next to his lute.  He could hear moaning coming from the cave and knew it was beginning.  He shook his head sadly, not really surprised.  He had known from the time Jae had been brought to him that this would be the outcome, but he had planned for it.  He continued to speak to her, not sure she could understand anymore.

In the cave, Jae had felt as though her skin was too small and her bones felt like they must be breaking.  She let out a final scream that turned to a howl before it’s completion.

Simon called her name and got a growl for an answer.  He stood and threw some of the animal’s he had trapped into the cave, and quickly retreated.  he picked up the lute and began to play, singing songs he had taught Jae.  The growling subsided.

Jae smelled fire and meat and man and a million other things that she wanted to go investigate.  She threw herself at the chains and when she realized she could not get loose, began to howl.  The man smell, threw meat into the cave and she fell on it as though she had not eaten in weeks.  Hunger abated, she looked around, ready to begin howling again, when she heard the man.  The sound he was making, coupled with her full stomach, made her sleepy.  She curled up, tail tucked, and listened to Simon.  She would worry about getting out later.

Morning and Simon was still awake.  He had played and sang for much of the night, only stopping when he lost his voice.  In the stillness, he half expected to hear her again but she must have finally fallen asleep.  Simon pulled his cloak around him and slept for a little while.

More Wolf Moon Stories can be found here


Sunday Scribbling prompt: Courage

they show up when
you least expect them
you flip on a light and
jump back in terror then
can’t help but imagine
darkness and shadow and
corner and behind and way
on the down low
they wait till I walk in the room
with no shoes on
give shivers and quivers
and trembles and shakes on
they know how to hide
and just when to jump out
my shoe is too little and what
if I miss or make all
eight legs angry and what
if they jump or instead
of a squish I hear a loud hiss
as they turn to run at me
with tiny teeth gnashing and
ready to bite or at least
crawl up my pant leg
hide out in a pocket
creeping up
to my ear drum
and into my brain
or climb up a drain when I
soak in the bathtub there
is no escaping they are
skittering and scraping
I’m doomed in my room in
the yard in the basement
oh what if they find me
please do remind me how
I am much bigger and stronger
and I will live longer if
I just have courage and
lots of big shoes that
I can choose to throw and stomp
and smash and romp
squash and mash the
little spider hiding under
beds and rugs and kitchen counters
and oh I don’t know could
you just would you please
kill that eight legged beast
for scaredy cat me

photo :

Where I Would Go

One Word: Lashes and Writer’s Island: Stowaway

I would like to be a stowaway
a castaway, a vagabond
a kite blown where wind blows
that knows what wind knows
and take all my hungry eyes
can hold under lashes
sleep heavy dream wishing
deep fishing for blue sunfish
train hitching nerve twitching
car jumping hitchhiking
sun melted snow pelted rain
of millions of days liking all
that I see and seeing all that is shone
and not shown if you don’t
stray from main roads and
cities of boxes and boxes and
shopping and carpool and tennis
and tanning and Sunday and golf
for me I will take the old man
on the porch or the shade tree mechanic
Tim down at the Dixie Cream
that sponsors the ball team
coached by that guy that plays
banjo on Saturday night in
a barn out on highway halfway
to the graveyard where willows
weep lonely past road signs
and white lines that go on forever
that’s where I would wander and
wonder and ponder and walk
down the white lines and pass
all the road signs till sunset sets
low and the lights shine and glow
and go on to the star shine
and moon shine the state line
yes there I would go

Little Boxes

We Write Poems prompt: Boxes

dust and shadows live in these corners
my hazy memories and dreams forgot
it was nice in the beginning
small but cozy became home I knew
the topography and the safe smell
I never stubbed my toes or bumped my head
or got surprised

then year upon year of staying and staying
and not going outside of the walls
safe became choice became no choice
became not living in rooms but
walking floors out of habit
when did I grow why are these bricks piled
so deep and high

hands placed on the wall slide along
feeling for cracks door was old and heavy
creaked with misuse but I pushed and pushed
and couldn’t budge the cage locked
I thought till I pulled and embraced
choice and saw the sun and air
breathed possibilities

first attempt at a Tanka

concealing paper
folded over treasured gifts
packed away secret
loved and never forgotten
wrapped in ribbon on a shelf

Heart Colours

Three Word Wednesday CLXXXVIII escape, hum, and vibrant

there are rooms in my heart
I move though them and change colour
a chameleon butterfly
sun dog after storm rays
changing with the seasons

timid wanting approval room  gray
and brown and fears mistakes
with a sinking stomach ache
hums through the dark fingering
good luck charm and how to manual

selfish blood red grabs self and shakes it
squeezing it dry for holding on too tight
resenting every and all and wishing
for more, for less for anything but what is
chewing bitterness gum

heart that escapes through the attic window
vibrant blue and yellow ochre
boat rocker, wing flapper
throw caution to the wind, faith leaper
poetry in motion, life lover

so I come here bringing all those selves
and hope for something that takes shape
that doesn’t crumble or tremble or
creep away in the shadows but
lets me sit amid the rooms in peace

Mountain and Valley

I am working on a story but it has a mind of it’s own and wants to wait.  Paschal mentioned Pando in a post (a clonal colony of a single male Quaking Aspen in Utah, connected by one massive underground root system). Next I read a quote on zen and reverence on about breathing in and out – greeting and acceptance and the prompt on Writers Island was Message. Connections, intentions, commonality, all on my mind so I hope this will count as an Event.

You would think
Just glancing at us of course
That we are nothing alike
My eyes are smaller than brown
Yours huge as the sky
My mouth, plain, unsmiling

I don’t live here, never did
But you and yours are all up and
Down this valley
I worship on the hilltop
You dance in your glen

I inhale the scent of honeysuckle
Fanned by the robin’s wings
He flew in this morning from
His rambles in the valley
Where you sighed at the sunrise beauty

Over the apple trees that rooted
In rain washed soil from the mountain
That once bore the footprint of my mother
Feet bared, wriggling in cool mud
Through branches where your children climb

Then and now and time to come
Witness borne by earth and sky
Tendrils of all life enfold the roots and
Seeds of lives entwined the message
Carried forth on foot, by sigh