Category Archives: The Pen

Hide and Seek

One single Impression: Vicarious

we peek around the tree
to see who’s peeking back
and are they smiling
sitting by the window breeze
the pen the page
the writing freeze the scene
is what it is and we
are not within
but lookers only
looky look we see and write
we are not in the scene tonight
but eyes have ears
and fingers agile as the mind
allows them to be a moment
please can you repeat
I think I missed that beat
put down the pen
and come outside the sun
in shining down and warm
and you can hide behind
the tree
and I will find you peeking
out and smile
home free


One Word: reflection

mirrored through the words
the letters hide the faces
spaces of pores that breath in and out
the life of each who holds
the glass and says
the sassy sayings we say
to keep each other far away
the words the sounds
go round and round
and each arranged
and changed, estranged
from one another now
it’s your turn make them burn
the sounds the sights
the feel of all the spins
the ins and outs
of all the people by
them, for them, in them
why then is it so hard
to say what we mean
to mean what we say
break through give to
the light the way
the day is long as
we make it
take it it was always yours
the mind is a
wonderful thing to waste
have a taste
it’s lo-cal pork belly
apple jelly sweet
it’s held out to you
but knee jerk pull back
off the rack might fit
candle lit – the light
the light, give up the fight
we all fall down
you can have mine
the crown never suited me

Once and Future

In olden times
to sing in rhymes
was honored by the kings
and queens
and harps were gifted
banners lifted
wars were lost and won
their stories sung
the mighty and the brave
the maiden and the knave
the glory stories fed
the fires of hearts and
virtues praised in golden
notes in olden days
bards sang and spells
wove vales and dells
and mountains high
the lands they loved were
all and more
and welcomed at the
feasting table royally toasted
given ring, and land and horse
even wandering, gold
in his purse
in olden times
and days gone by
the stories loved and proud
would that the stories of today
make proud to sing in
tomorrows halls
by poets, bards, and minstrels all
and not be shame
a grievous fame
penitent unsung no strings
no words eyes turned
the music gone for all until
the world can find its poets soul
a harpers thrill
until until
in olden times

I am reading Charles de Lint’s Moonheart.  New to this author but introduced in his story to Taliesin a Welsh bard in the 6th century. Urban fantasy that combines modern day Canada with almost poetic otherworld bards and mages.

Fridays Poem

One Word: Potato

fridays poem is full of grace
but saturdays a whole different animal
unwrapped and baked
the potato cake
can’t cut the mustard
custard dreams from sleeping in
the weekend deep end
drops off the cliff and
nukes the grannies
the nooks and crannies
the bacon hidden
butter me up
and I smile


Muravian comment riff

Surrender sense
feel them most always deeper
than the head washes over, under
through shifting sand
never gave you solid footing anyway
you just thought so too
much thinking not enough drinking
sinking into what if you can’t stand
you can always float
your boat is needing a paddle
what’s the matter as a hatter
but he’s a star these days so don’t be
late or your head will feel it deeper
sense is overrated so
surrender and feel waves
wash over hold your breath
for a second for a minute
for an eternity wash it down
worn smooth the river
stone warm in the sun
veins of quartz run
through and through
glinty shiny summer rays the
days come down forever

Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie

Read Write Poem prompt

beautiful line that caught my eye

Worlds are being told like beads
like strings of whirly pearly seeds
stories falling like the rain
each drop a universe contained
reflected mirrored magnified
each tiny detail visualized
by jewelers thieves of science proof
who claim to know the only truth
but if a world can thus be shown
Can it be bound by what is known
worlds light refracted by the jewels
loosed at last from silly rules
each word a world a work of art
a way of seeing from the heart

A Walk On The Beach

I had no idea where I was going with Three Word Wednesday prompts brash, lubricate, and saint until I visited here and took a walk on the beach. click.

a night at the beach what is left

toes covered in sugary sand

lubricated by coconut lotion frosting

seagulls squawk and dive

in sunglass mirrors

brash waves run up and tease

leaving bits of flotsam

angel shells

seaweed hair

siren songs

salty jetsam ain’t no saint

hips swaying

Beach Boys playing

cool breeze drives the sun down

down into the deep

just follow the moonlight trail

to the end of the world

where dawn sleeps


Thursdays Tales #2

iron fingers curled
round street lamps
coat wrapped around me
fending off damp
color bled out to the gray
time suspends the gift of day
to the east
the dark approaches
western light holds
last reproaches
stand between
with outstretched hands
for one sweet second
the hourglass sands
cease their descent
my breath is postponed
nights secret hope
tomorrows unknown

Night Wings 12 Trouble

Sunday Scribbling 210: deadline

This takes place right after a meeting where we are introduced to Ryall’s father and a little back story in Night Wings part 8

After the meeting Thomas smirked at Joshua.  “You aren’t fooling me.  I know your son is one of them. You got a soft spot in your heart for them kids?”

Joshua stiffened.   “You accusing me of something?” He locked eyes with Thomas, tension in every muscle.

Thomas smiled and held his hands up. “Should I be?  All this talk about citizens just caring about their own lives.  Seems to me like you were just changing the subject.  You ever hear from that boy of yours?”

Joshua shook his head.  “Be careful Thomas.  You are coming dangerously close to crossing a line. If you had proof of anything, we wouldn’t be standing here talking.”

“You’re right. I don’t have proof of anything.  Yet.”  He turned on his heel and walked out the door of the conference room.

Once out in the hall, Thomas waved Sam Toland over.  “Hey Sam, how’s it going?  How about going for a cup a coffee?” He clapped Sam on the shoulder.

Sam  turned to Thomas, startled. “Gee Thomas, I don’t know.  My wife will have supper waiting.”

Thomas put his arm around him and pulled him along. “Just one cup and a little chat.  You’ll be home by the time the table is set.”

Thomas found them a booth in the back and ordered coffee from the waitress. “Thanks honey, now go on if you want a tip.”  He winked at her and turned back to Sam without noticing her rolling her eyes as she turned away.  “Now let me see, Oh yeah, you voted for Joshua in the last election, didn’t you?”

Sam stirred cream into his coffee.  “You know our vote is private, Thomas.  Why are you asking?”

Thomas was spooning sugar into his own cup.  He stirred and took a sip.  “I just wondered if you have noticed how Joshua never wants to discuss the “reborns” problem.”

Sam set his cup down. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.’

Thomas leaned back against the vinyl seat. “Easy there, Sam.  I’m not getting at anything.  Just making an observation.”

Sam frowned and scratched his head. “Look, I haven’t really noticed anything and this makes me a little nervous.  Joshua has never done anything to make me doubt him.”

Thomas patted Sam’s hand with his own big paw.  “Hey, no big deal.  I was just wondering.  Just forget I said anything.  Tell you what.  You get on home to the wife and I’ll get this.  Say hello to Helen for me.”

Sam nodded and grabbed his hat and left.

Thomas left exact change for the coffee on the table and left the shop. He whistled as he strolled down the street, thinking and planning.  No use making a frontal attack when you can just plant a few seeds of doubt.  He smiled to himself.  Those kids could be useful if we could figure out ways to control them.  First step, get Joshua out of power.  No deadline here.  He could bide his time.

You can read more on the Night wings page

This weeks class was all about dialogue and using attributes and “beats”.  Fun stuff.

Exercise for Class


Write a single sentence that uses conflict to create suspense. It should be a situation affecting your protagonist.

Now add a sentence that starts a clock. Whether the clock is explicit or implied, it should give your protagonist a limited time to act before something happens.

Finally, add a sentence that turns the suspense into action. The action is not what happens to the protagonist; that would end the suspense. The action is what your protagonist starts to do; that continues the suspense.

The reason for using just three sentences is to show how each one serves a specific purpose in the suspense structure: conflict, clock and action.

conflict – Just before the line went dead, the voice on the phone said he would come for me after dark.

clock – The shadows grew longer and the light  changed, clear and soft the way summer evenings feel just before the sun sinks below the tree line.

action – I plodded down the cellar stairs to sit with my back against the damp wall, loaded gun in my lap.

Wolf Moon Reunion

Three Word Wednesday Deviate,Identify, Saturate

“Come in child.”

She staggered through the door.  Simon closed it behind her.

“Put him on the bed.” There was a raccoon in the corner, standing on his back legs and hissing.

Simon picked him up and gently put him outside. “Away with you now, you’ll not want to be here when that wolf wakes up.”

He lit a couple of lamps and pulled a chair up near the bed so he could examine the wolf.  Jae stood ramrod straight, arms at her sides, even though she was exhausted.  Simon carefully looked at the wound and without looking up, told Jae to sit down.

Jae stood there for a moment and then wearily, pulled another chair up to the other side of the bed.  “You don’t have to take care of me.  Just see to him.” She laid her head on the bed next to the wolfs face and stroked his muzzle.

“I don’t need two patients.  There is some bread over on the shelf. Get yourself some water and eat. I’ll to need your help and I don’t want you passing out.”

Jae’s face was burning.  Even after all this time, he could make her feel like a guilty child, with a few words. She got up and walked to the shelf and broke off a hunk of bread.  She then dipped water from a bucket into a cup and drank.  Simon moved calmly around the room mixing herbs into pastes and doing whatever it was that he always did.  He took a bowl of something over to the bed and a cloth and told her to soak the cloth in the liquid in the bowl and drip it into the wolves mouth.

“What is it?”

“Just something to keep him asleep while I take that bullet out.”

Jae took the cloth and did as Simon instructed.  “Will Aedan be okay?”

“He’s lost a lot of blood, but he’s strong. You know I’ll do my best.”  Simon worked pulled the lantern closer.  He worked quietly and once he removed the bullet he looked at Jae. “If we can keep him quiet and keep the wound from getting infected, he will heal.”

A distant howl could be heard in the silence of the house. Jae stared at the blood that saturated the blanket and started to shake.

“Go on child – get out.  He’ll be asleep for hours.”

Jae stroked Aedan’s fur and murmured something in his ear and stood.  “Thank you.”

Simon nodded and waved her off.  Jae turned and walked out to the porch.  In a few moments there was nothing left on the porch but a pile of clothes.  Jae changed and trotted away from the light of the house and then flew through the dark, her senses so acute, she could identify a rabbit that ran for its home and she smelled a deer, near by.  She was hungry and she would bring meat to Aedan who would need to eat to heal.  She chased the deer into the woods and circled around. She ran up an outcropping and hunkered down and froze, still and quiet. The rock bordered the trail on one side and on the other was thick undergrowth.

The deer was wary but stepped daintily along the path and when it was in the natural chute and couldn’t deviate from the direction it had chosen, Jae leapt and clamped her jaws on it’s throat.  It was over in minutes and when she had eaten her fill, she tore off pieces of flesh and carried them back to the house.  She ran up the steps and dropped the still warm meat on the porch, whining at the door.

Simon opened the door and light from the lanterns inside spilled out into the night.  He couldn’t help smiling at her.  “I’ll take it.  I’ve bandaged him and he’ll sleep for awhile yet.  He’s still breathing.”

Jae lowered her head once and then held it up proud, gazing up at him with golden eyes.  Simon stepped back inside, closing the door to give her privacy while she changed back and dressed hurriedly.  When she entered the house, Simon was sitting at the table, cutting the meat into bite sized pieces.

They would have to stay here for awhile.

More Wolf Moon Tales

Split Ends in Space

Sunday Scribblings: Mentor

After a three hour nap I am feeling a bit more human.  Either allergies or the East Texas crud has moved in and knocked me down.  Not my best but it has the scene elements that we were instructed to include: Goal, Conflict, Disaster, Emotion, Thought, Decision, and Action.

sorry I AM foggy – the scene elements were referring to a class I’m taking, not our Sunday Scribblings prompt 🙂

Sheila wanted a few days Earthside.   She needed a little retail therapy.   Jumping through wormholes was hell on split ends so a hair appointment was in order too.   Her boss and mentor Jonesy had other plans.  He griped about too many contracts, not enough results so a few warps later and she was hiding her transport in a dank cave next to the dunes of planet 287.  Dry and hot and no redeeming features except for the orange stones that littered the sands.  She had nearly filled her cargo hold with stones  and had gone back to the sand for one more load.  That was the last thing she remembered.

Now it was barely dawn and she was hanging upside down on the wrong side of a hostile planet.  If she had made it out the door three minutes sooner, Jonesy wouldn’t have had the chance to talk her into this crazy assignment and she would be sitting in a stylist chair right now getting highlights instead of hanging here waiting to become a snack.  This was not going to help her split ends. Sheila twisted and swung and would have yelled if she thought it would have helped.

She had three options as far as she could tell.  She could wait for the Sand Jammer to come back and try to fight her way out when he took her down for meal time. She could try to work a hand loose and get her communicator out and hope Jonesy was listening to the com unit,  or she could get herself down from here and find her way out to the dunes where her transport was hidden.

She figured she had the best chance with option three so she started to squeeze first one hand and then the other loose from the ties.  Lucky Sand Jammers weren’t very bright.   She got one hand loose and used it to hold on while she worked the other one out.  The legs were easy once the hands were loose.  The com unit was still in her pocket and she started easing around the corner as she pressed the button, hoping Jonesy wouldn’t shout.

“Jonesy, Sand Jammers!  I could use some help!” She whispered into the com, hoping he could hear.

“Do you need transport?”

“I might. Can you get a fix on my com?  I’m going to try to get back to my transport and cargo.”

“On it, Sheila.  Be careful.  Jammers are dumb as mud but mean.  You probably smell like steak and eggs to em!”

Sheila stared at the com thinking about how she would like to split Jonesy’s ends if she made it back in one piece.  She glanced around her looking for a possible weapon and saw her boots, hat, and collection bag over by the wall where the Jammers had left them.  She grabbed them up and found her stunner in the pocket of the bag.  Good timing too.  She smelled him before she saw him, pressed herself up against the wall.  He lumbered through the arch and the moment he saw her, she hit him with the stunner and down he went.  She had to climb over him to get out and the stench made her want to gag. Once over she ran and kept going.  It wasn’t completely dark and she followed the light that got brighter the closer she got to the entrance.

“Jonesy, I’m out.  Send me coordinates on my transport.”

Her screen started blinking and she threw her bag over her shoulder and ran.


Three Word Wednesday caustic hunch sacrifice

shoulders hunched
bunched with tension
no pretension
helpless heart unshielded
soft belly yielded
weighted down by caustic words
jagged shards
drawing blood, invisible flood of
pain the streams
through dreams
of future man
the sacrifice, no plan
no thought for
tomorrow’s sorrow

Wolf Moon Journey

Sunday Scribbling #208 prompt: alchemy  and Weekend Writers Retreat

The clearing was bright with moonlight, dew glistened on a spiderweb.  The evening was chilly but sweat ran down her face and pooled at the base of her throat. There was no sound but her breathing as she carried the wolf, sticking close to the tree line in case she was seen.

It was slow going, carrying his weight, even with all the strength of the wolf within her.  She knew where she was going.  She never wanted to return there, but he was hurt.  His own wolf strength might not be enough to heal him.

She plodded on.  He groaned and she rubbed her cheek against his fur.  “Shhh, love.  Trust me and rest. ”

He wouldn’t change now.  He was too weak and he wouldn’t have a chance in his human form.  She walked on through the night, losing all track of time, putting one foot in front of the other.  When it was nearly dawn and she didn’t think she could go much further, she saw smoke.

“Almost there, hang on.”  She staggered to the door and kicked it with her boot.  She closed her eyes for a moment, legs and arms shaking.  It all came rushing back.

The porch looked exactly the same as when she had last seen it.  The bench where the alchemist sat in the sun with the wooden box and garden tools by the door were exactly as she remembered.  She should.  He once saved her and this became her home.  She heard his footsteps approaching  the door and for a moment, had to fight the urge to run away.  The wolf in her arms held her in place.

He looked the same, only his hair had grown snow white. “Jae! Come in!”

The words came with more difficulty than the exhaustion would have caused her. “I need your help.”

More Wolf Moon Tales

Wolf Moon

Three Word Wednesday  CLXXXII Brazen, Hunger, and Nuzzle

She cradled his warmth, gently nuzzling his fur. He had fought the hunger, trying to brazen it out, until it became too much and the moon called him.  He tried to ignore the call of the smells coming from the barn, but the siren song of the tides and the smell of warm flesh pulled him like the ebb and flow of the waves.  There was a gunshot and now she sat weeping, blood on her hands.

More Wolf Moon Tales

Night Wings – Emelia

Sunday Scribblings #207 Prompt: Demands
“Did you see what she was wearing?  I can’t believe she thought that sack looked anything resembling good!

“I know.  That’s what happens when you get your fashion advice from your mother!” Emelia was bored with this whole conversation.  She was bored with her friends, bored with school, and bored with Nick. Tired of there never being enough money.

“Emelia!  Did you hear what I just said?  Where is your head, girl?”

Damn, Rayanne was talking to her again and she had drifted off.  If she wasn’t careful, she would be the next subject of conversation in the cafeteria and it would not be flattering.  “What?  I was thinking about something Nick said.” That should keep Rayanne off her back.  She had more of thing for Nick than a best friend should have for your boyfriend.

“I asked you if you are going to Shannon’s party?”

Emelia tossed her blond hair. “I guess.  It’s going to be the same old crap.  Nick will drink too much beer, the nerd Mekanek squad will come, Shannon’s house will get trashed and someone will break up with  someone. Melodrama will ensue.”

“Emelia what is up your butt lately?  You used to be fun.”

“Whatever.  Do you want to go to The Human Bean for lattes after class?”

“Yeah, if you promise to get over yourself before then.”

Emelia nodded. “I’ll be in a better mood after I get chem out of the way.  See you out front.”

Emelia walked in the classroom and went to her customary seat that no one would dream of sitting in because after all, Emelia sat there.  After a completely mind numbing hour of note taking on something she obviously would never use, the bell finally rang and she put her book and notebook in her designer backpack and sighed.

Rayanne was waiting out front with all their friends.  Emelia just wanted coffee.  Now she would have to deal with everyone.  They were milling around, making sure they were seen.  Hair perfect, jeans just tight enough.  What a bunch of losers.

“Can we go already?”

Rayanne pushed open the door at The Human Bean and stepped inside, smiling over her shoulder at Emelia.  At the counter, Emelia ordered a soy caramel latte with no whipped cream, her usual. “Don’t forget, I said no whipped cream.”  She paid with the little bit of allowance she had, and waited.  The girl behind the counter was new, but looked familiar.  She waited some more, tapping her foot.

Rayanne already had her macchiato and was sitting at the table giggling at something one of Nick’s friends said.  Emelia counted  – Rayanne had managed to touch the guy three times in five minutes.  Way to not be obvious, Rayanne. The foot tapping was getting faster and a little more emphatic.

“Excuse me!  Are you having to go all the way to the coffee farm?  It’s just a latte, what’s the problem?” Emelia stood with her hands on her hips now.

“I…I’m sorry, it’s my first day and we are kind of busy.  Here’s your latte.  You’re Emelia, aren’t you?”

“Finally.  Yes, and you are?”

“I’m Sandy. I sit behind you in History?”

“Um yes, whatever.  Thanks.” Emelia turned and started to the table.  She took a sip and whirled around, stomping back to the counter.  “Excuse me! What part of no whipped cream do you not understand?  You are slow, the least you could do is get it right!”

Sandy was cleaning a carafe and as she turned toward Emelia, she dropped it and tried to catch it as it fell.  It hit the edge of the sink and instead of grabbing the carafe, she grabbed a piece of glass that broke loose.  It  lodged deep in her palm and she turned pale.

“Could you be any more clumsy?” Emelia sounded irritated and reached for the injured hand. When she touched it, the glass fell to the floor and the hole it left, closed up. Sandy stared at her for a moment and then snatched her hand back, not saying anything.

“Lucky you didn’t cut yourself.”  Emelia stared back at her, eyes wide.

“Yeah, lucky.  You want another latte?” Sandy wasn’t making eye contact.

“No.  No thanks.  This will be fine.”  Emelia turned and nearly bumped into Rayanne.  She jumped and nearly dropped her coffee.

“Rayanne!  Could you not sneak up on me, please?”

“Chill, Em.  I just wanted some biscotti.  Get a grip, why don’t you?”

Emelia shivered and walked back toward the table.  Instead of sitting down, she bypassed her friends and kept going out the door.

Rayanne turned around with her biscotti just in time to see the door close and Emelia walk away from the coffee shop.  “What the heck is wrong with that girl, anyway?”  She went back to the table just in time to laugh at a joke Nick’s friend was telling.  Jordan wasn’t Nick but he wasn’t totally gross and he was the son of a Mekanek.  She glanced at the window, thinking about Emelia again.  It  looked like that idiot behind the counter had cut herself.  Maybe it was just her eyes playing tricks.  She looked back at the counter and saw the girl staring at the door with the weirdest look in her eyes.  She looked afraid.

Emelia glanced down at the coffee cup in her hand.  She dropped it in a trash can on the sidewalk, no longer thirsty.  What was happening to her?  Did Sandy cut herself?  Was she just imagining things?  She felt heat when she touched the girls hand, and then icy cold.  Was she going to end up being one of them?  One of the changed “gifted” ones?  This kind of thing couldn’t happen to her.  She had worked too hard to get to where she was.  She was the queen at school.  She didn’t kid herself.  The only reason Rayanne was friends with her was to look cool.  Same with Nick.

She walked along thinking.  She could not have faced all of them at the coffee shop.  She had too much on her mind to giggle and smile and flash her eyes at every stupid word out of Nick’s mouth. She heard footsteps behind her.  She glanced in a window to see who was behind her and she caught a glimpse of a tall guy with brown hair, wearing jeans and a denim jacket.  Hadn’t she seen him across the street from the coffee shop?

She decided to cross the street and turn around.  It was late and she had walked further than she intended.  He crossed the street too.  Was he following her?  Maybe not.  Maybe she was losing her mind.  This day had been too weird.  She sped up and he walked faster too.  Enough!  She whipped around, more angry than afraid.

“What do you want?”  She stuck out her chin and held her backpack to her side in case she needed to throw it at him and run, if she could run in these stupid shoes.

“Don’t be afraid. You’re Emelia.”

“I know who I am but I have no idea who you are and I’m not afraid. What do you want?”

“Something happened back there in the coffee shop.”

“Yeah, I had an idiot for a waitress who couldn’t get an order right if you wrote it on her hand!”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

I don’t know a thing, including you.  This conversation is over!”  Emelia turned and stalked away.  She heard him call after her.

“I will be around if you need me…and you will.”

She ignored him and kept walking.  She didn’t need him.  He was crazy. She saw Rayanne step out of the coffee shop.  She started to wave when Sandy walked out behind her.  They were deep in conversation and Sandy looked up and pointed at Emelia.  Rayanne’s mouth hung open.  Emelia turned around and walked quickly back in the direction she had just come from.  She saw the brown haired guy standing in the shadow of a doorway with his arms crossed.  It made her mad to think he  waited there for her.

She walked past him like she didn’t see him and turned the next corner.  In a few minutes he caught up with her.  “What do you know?” She asked him angrily, without slowing down.

“I know that you are changing and that you are going to need to get out of here pretty quick.”

Emelia didn’t want to believe it but there was no arguing with the facts.  She had touched that girl and her hand healed.  She might not like it but she was going to have to do something. Rayanne would love to see her knocked down.  She would go with him for now.  She needed time to figure things out.

“I want to go home and get some stuff.”

“There really isn’t time for that. How long do you think it will take your friends to spread the word?”

“Who are they going to tell?  I am going home and get my stuff.  I’m not leaving without some necessities.  I don’t even know you.  How do I know you’re not some crazy?”

Ryall stepped into a deep doorway and turned his back to her.  He raised his arms and there were wings on his back.  Emelia shook her head and closed her eyes and opened them again.  She wasn’t hallucinating.  He put his arms down and turned back around. The wings were gone. Emelia stood there with her mouth hanging open for a moment.

“Okay, fine.  You could still be crazy.”  She sounded more serious than angry now.  “Do you have a decent place for me to stay?  I’m still going home first.” She glared at him.

He sighed.  “Fine. But let’s hurry.”

She led him down the side street they were on.  He might think he had come to save her but she knew more than one way to get around.  She made some turns and came up behind her house.

“I’ll wait behind the storage building.  If you aren’t out here in ten minutes, I’m going to leave without you.”

“Fine. Suit yourself.”  She started for the back door. Without turning around she asked him how he knew about the storage building.

“This isn’t my first time to come here.”  She walked into the house.  No one was home, big surprise.  Her parents were always working.  She was used to coming into an empty house.  She ran to her room and started throwing stuff into a leather bag.  Clothes, toiletries, her feather boa.  A girl had to have a few things.  She dumped her jewelry box in and grabbed her diary out from behind the loose baseboard.  She started to grab a picture of her and Nick and instead threw it on the floor.  She was so over him.  She thought about leaving a note.  What would be the point.  Now they could spend creds on themselves and they wouldn’t have to worry about feeding her anymore. She grabbed the bag and headed back to the kitchen and threw as many cans of food in as she could and returned to the back yard.  He was still waiting.

“Are you ready now?”

“Might as well be.  Do you have a name?”

“Ryall.  Let’s go.”

They walked back the way they had come except they turned toward downtown when they got near the coffee shop.  “No sense risking going past there again. Turn down here.”

“So you can fly?”

Ryall just turned and looked at her.

“Duh. You said you had been to my house before.  Why?”

“We knew you were going to change soon.”

“We?  What do you mean we?”

“You’ll see when we get there.”

Night Wings Main Page