One Word: Knot

not happy with this but I’m writing through a little dry patch.  Thank goodness the weekend is coming!

One Word: Knot

tied in knots
tangled and woven
never gonna smooth that out but
maybe go past it, further
change colors, scenery
faces, places
a blur and then slow down
for clarity
braid it, more strands
are stronger
will hold
stretched out but not
shaken out
like a picnic tablecloth
checkered and wine-stained
fold it, wash it
you take one end
I, the other
meet in the middle
or somewhere inbetween
isn’t that the way,
the how, the why?
pieced together
a quilt can warm, pieces
telling the story, the picture
the unfinished threads
tucked under for now
tied in loose knots

Be Anxious For Nothing

One Word Catching up from yesterday: Anxiety

Yellow chairs and a ceiling fan.  A 10×14 slab covered with a metal roof, looking out over the back yard,  No anxiety here, just peace.  Perfect place for a morning cup of coffee, scented by the cinnamon flavor.  A slight breeze, neighbor’s dog barks, sounds of traffic off in the background.  The world is waking up and dawn is opening one eye, not quite awake. .  An intermission before the play begins again.

Wanted: One Word

One Word :Wanted

One Word is a simple webpage that displays a single word, different daily.  Click go and type in the box for a minute.  Done.

Wanted? Or needed?  Was there a difference?  Want comes from sight.  Want that pretty bright thing.

Need comes from heart and body,  both requiring sustenance.

She wanted to be more.  She needed to be less.  The two were always at war.

Blog Re-decorating

Please excuse the oddities – this did not go as planned and so it is temporary.  I will be making some changes but for now this is what it is.

I think I will live with this for awhile.  Hope it hasn’t been too disuptive 🙂

One Word Ring Around The Collar

Sunday Scribbling: key, One Word: collar

He must have drunk too much but damned if he could remember.  He could taste the last drop of beer he drained from the glass, feel the thud as he set the empty down on the bar, after that – nothing.  Til now.  Now there was a blue screamer of a headache and his neck is stiff like maybe he had slept wrong.

Sitting up seemed like the thing to do but as he pushed himself into a sitting position, he saw black spots and for a moment worried he would pass out.  A voice from somewhere behind him asked “Where is the key?”  He answers “Who are you?” and a sudden buzz of pain surrounded his neck and he clawed at some kind of metal band, collar, torture device!  The pain stopped after what seemed like hours and he fell back down, weeping.  The voice again asked “Where is the key?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about!” He cries, and the pain begins again.  He writhes and claws but he can’t loosen it and he thinks frantically, what can he tell them, what do they want, who the hell are they??

He waited in terror for the voice again, knowing he wouldn’t have an answer and anticipating what that would mean.  He carefully felt the metal band around his neck, trying to see how it was fastened, a mantra in his head alternating between “please don’t let it start again” and ” how do I get this thing off”.

It started with a call in the middle of the night when a friend from high school claimed he was in town and wanted to meet up.  He hadn’t heard from Jack in years but he was a good enough dude in school so when Jack suggested a sports bar not far from where he worked, he readily agreed to meet him.  Jack never showed.

After a few moments the lights went out and the dark made the fear and pain all the sharper.  He was sure the voice would be back and if they were trying to break him, they would get their wish.
The lights came back on and the voice returned. “Where is the key, Jack?” Oh man, he had been set up.  Who was Jack now and what kind of key did he have?  “I’m not Jack!” he said and the buzz began.  By the time it stopped he was nearly unconscious. “I’m not Jack.” he moaned.  “I have no idea who you are or what key you are talking about.  I wish I did, I would tell you, give it to you, whatever you want!”

“Where is the key?”

What’s The Key?

Three Word Wednesday, One Word and Sunday Scribbling all rolled up.

The Minus is loveless
He talks to the land
And the leaves fall
And the pond over-ices
She don’t know the system, Plus
She don’t understand
She’s got all the wrong fuses and splices
She’s not going to fix it up
Too easy

Joni Mitchell

Go to the back of the book014
Finger lickin down the index
the revelation is the key
Faces, faceless words
shot through wires
slip in the door, in the chair
sit down stand up
push the buttons, the red, the green
the big one twice
minus the answers plus troubles plenty
you want answers
she ain’t got them, they’re in the mist
the twist, under the bradford pear trees
watercolor washed sky behind
he got answers?
all those words and not one question
shooting at me, glare past me
I got your questions right here
open the box
anything there?
box to box ain’t heart to heart
if it’s just boxes
we’re going down in a blaze baby
the apple has lost it’s luster
there’s a worm
two miles later
I’m laying it down
Go back to the book
the back of the book
finger lickin down the index
the revelation is the key

No idea where the image is from so if you happen by and it belongs to you, drop me a comment and I will remove it.

One Word, Two Speakers

One Word Jive: stereo

kryptomellow makes me yellow
windows open to the breeze that
brings the beat, the bass
the duster dancing
in the living room
bedroom, dining
dance to the working, window washing
pillow plumping
got my records
can’t be beat
stereo jive
I am alive
it shines it gleams
it’s friday lights the weekend nights
lock the door
the sounds and sights
the stereo, the barrio
the rodeo

don’t matter daddy O

dance the night, the dust, the day away

Let It Ring

Carry On Tuesday prompt from City of Glass by Paul Auster and One Word Constant

It was a wrong number that started it, the telephone ringing three times in the dead of night.  I was awake and while I tried, I could not go back to sleep.  Five minutes ago I was snoozing away, blissfully unaware of the noises coming from the neighbor’s garage.  Now those constant noises were all I could think of, hear.  They pound and bang right through the walls, the feathers, the blankets.  What is he DOING?  I got up and walk the familiar path to the kitchen in the dark.  Water from the faucet and peer out the window, trying to catch a glimpse of, nothing to see but the dirty yellow of his window with the naked bulb letting light but little else through the stained and bug splattered window.

Where is his wife and kids?  It had been a few days since I last saw them.  How can they sleep?  She was a quiet, big-eyed little thing and the two little boys with spindly legs and clothes that didn’t fit.  I felt sorry for them.  We spoke occasionally, chance meeting at the curb, dropping off trash.  We met at the mailbox the other day and she looked sadder than usual.  He had lost his job, she said.  Budget cuts come home to roost, no bacon coming home with this one for awhile.

He was a big guy with one eyebrow that always seemed about to land on his nose that looked like it might have been broken more than once.  He stepped out of the house and she clamped her mouth shut and walked away, but not before I saw the fear that made her eyes even bigger for just a moment, then she was gone, me standing there with my mouth open.

Now he was banging and hammering and it was three in the morning.  “Sorry you lost your job mister but some of us still have to work in the morning!”  I thought as I stepped out onto the porch, hugging my arms around myself because of the damp chill.  Should I go look? I was barefoot but I knew there was nothing but grass between me and the window.  Maybe I could just knock and explain that the sound was carrying.  He would apologize and stop for the night and we could all go back to sleep, thank you very much.

I quietly stepped off the porch, onto the wet grass and made my way to the garage.  I was watching the ground to try to avoid stepping on something sharp when a shadow seemed to pass before me.  I looked up and his face was in the window.  He was holding a large hammer and his stare, at first annoyed turned into a grin.  Not your friendly hello there, lets have coffee grin.  No this was your turn and run you idiot kind of smile but my feet were locked into place and my knees while shaking, were not planning on walking anytime soon.  Only my mind took in the details of the tableau behind him and screamed silent, as terror took my voice.  At least I knew where his family was.

One Word Fate (need I say more)

One Word prompt: fate

Fate, stood by the side of the roadstreetsign
do you stop?
drive on by?
if the sign points one way do you
go another, the other
change anything
if you could
would you?
the arrow, the curve
the no u turn
keep off the median
no worry, no hurry
no boogie man in the shadows
whistle, you know how
pucker up and blow
dark can’t fool you
the lights are all green
keep motoring on
we all end up back at the sign

The Core

Sunday Scribbling Prompt: Poetry

Come in
This far, right here
no farther
you think you know?
this be the bathwater
not the baby
peel off layers, you will get
nothing but a mess on the floor
this part, this heart
this tiny place, unknowable
mine, I keep it
Scrape the outside raw
you ain’t touching it, you couldn’t
not in a million tries
a million lies
no kryptonite here
no magic dagger to pierce
no map.
disconnected, unplugged, off
the grid
All you get
a glimpse, a peek, a hint
like a stream
direction changes
but the water still flows where it will

In The Pit

One Word: Pit and Fiction in 58

You know that feeling.  The one you get in the pit of your stomach.  The one that tells you that whatever choice you just made will have consequences and regrets. The one that makes you afraid to look back, walk faster. What was I thinking?  Doors squeak, stairs creak, shadows fall.  Light a candle, the dark is coming.

Three Word Wednesday In Pieces

Three Word Wednesday: Fracture, Noise, and Vanish plus Fiction in 58 for good measure

In that one second, that one moment on which everything turns, the view fractured all at once, pieces of glass on the floor.  Careful not to cut your feet. No noise, not a peep, no – not one sound. There is a body. There is always a body. Slip out the back door and vanish before the sweepers come.

A Cage Is Still A Cage

One Word : Cage

I was not free.  Didn’t matter that the cage was of my own making, the walls were solid, impenetrable, and too high to scale.  All that was left was to pretty it up, this prison.  So I painted, and hung curtains, and adjusted the light just right.  Throwing shadows to disguise the no escape, the no door out, no window to let in the honeysuckle wind.

One Word Achoo

One Word prompt: sneeze

The news said to stay at home unless you absolutely had to be out and about.  Well some folks might swallow that garbage but the rest of us have work to do.  I had taken the bus downtown and luckily it had been nearly empty so I was able to get a seat that was apart from anyone who might be carrying the germs.  I had always had a cast iron constitution so I saw no reason why I couldn’t go to the office and take care of business as usual.  I passed the custodian in the hall on my way in.  “Morning, John.” I said.  I turned the doorknob going into my freshly cleaned office and put the coffee on.  I fixed myself a cup and sat down at the computer to answer some email just as I heard John sneeze out in the hall.

One Word Bar Hopping

One Word: bar

He walked in the bar, familiar sounds of glasses ringing against glass, Laughter and talk all around.  Dark snuck in the door, but inside all was light.  He saw her in the back booth and strode to the back.  Stuck a couple bucks in the juke box and turned and smiled at her. She arched one eyebrow and took a sip of her drink.


They made odd shadows across his face.  He slowly woke up, head pounding.  Couldn’t remember what he had done last night or where he had done it.  Smells and noises, not like home.  Oh man, where was he?  Those shadows again, dark, light, dark, light. Bars? He opened one eye.  What had he done?


She had recently passed the bar.  She had the requisite taupe suit, white blouse and heels.  Gold earrings, everything good quality but understated.  She had scrimped and saved for the briefcase and now she had her first client.  He met her in the client/attorney area.  Wasn’t much to look at.  This was not how she thought she would start her career.

Simon Remembers

Sunday Scribbling prompt #177: Adult and One Word Destination

“Simon – run along and play, I’ve work to do,”  Mum brushed a damp strand of hair back from her forehead.  There were good smells coming from the pot on the fire and she was sweeping yesterdays dust out the door.

“Yes mum.” he called as he jumped over her broom laughing and ran out into the sunshine.  He waved at his Da out in the garden as he ran past and headed to the woods.  It was a warm day and the cool shade was beckoning.

He followed the path he had worn through the trees to the creek and tossed stones at turtles sunning on a log as boys will do.  He watched as they left their log and dove into the cool water. He found a great crooked stick and carried it with him, whacking trees and plants as he walked along.  He ventured farther than he usually did, lost in daydreams.

The sound of singing came to his ears and he changed direction to get closer and see where it was coming from.  As he climbed through bushes he saw a place where the sunlight slipped between the leaves and bathed a small clearing in golden light.  A girl sat with a hat of many colors on her head.  He slipped closer, hidden by trees and his eyes widened with wonder.  He started to make the sign to ward off evil but something told him there was no evil here.

What he first thought to be a hat was butterflies of all kinds, covering her hair and back which was turned to him.  Her arms were held out from her sides and sparrows and larks and robins flew in and landed and flew off again, fearless and singing.  Her melody seemed at one with the birds and the light fell all around her like a warm blanket.

He stood very still and silent, just watching.  The girl looked to be about his age, with long brown hair and a flower chain around her neck.  She stopped singing and turned smiling. “Come out boy.” she said.

Simon stepped out from behind his tree and stood staring.  “What is your name?” she asked him.  “I am Simon Brennan.  Who are you?”

“I am called Nuala” she said.  “Come and sit with me, Simon ‘of sorrow’ and the butterflies will cheer you.”

Simon quietly walked over and sat beside her, amazed that the butterflies didn’t leave.  They seemed to sense that she was a safe haven.  “Are those apples, you have in your tunic?” she asked.

Simon had found an apple tree in his ramblings and picked a few and tied them up in his tunic to eat later.  He nodded and took them out.  Polishing one on his britches, he held it out to her.  “Thank you.” she smiled at him again and he felt like her smile was warmer than the sun.  It seemed to light her from the inside and he felt as safe as the butterflies.  They sat and shared apples and told each other many things.

“Are you Sidth?” Simon asked her.  He had heard stories of Faeries but had never really believed in them,.  At least til now.  He would have believed anything of her.  “No,” she laughed. “I’m as human as you, Simon.”

“Then how do you call the creatures to you and they have no fear?”  He asked.  She told him that you have to be as quiet in your heart and let the magic of the world come through.  He didn’t really understand but it didn’t matter.  He would listen as long as she would speak.

Simon and Nuala met most days for the rest of that summer.  It was the last summer they would truly be children as trouble and adulthood would soon come to them in the valley.  For these days, at least, sunshine, apples, and the beginnings of true love carried them through the season.

As Simon woke from the dream, he felt again the fullness of heart that had been his as a young man.  No matter the destination and the sadness that eventually came to pass, he would never regret those days for they had brought him Nuala and the love that had lasted throughout his life, from that forest all the way to the moon and back.

The Banquet

Sunday Scribbling Prompt #176 – Fantasy Dinner Party

for my writing friends – I am back at work and may not get to participate much this first few weeks.  I’ll try to visit when I can.

All week this prompt stayed in the back of my mind at work and I kept thinking about a Joni Mitchell song that I love.


“I took my dream down by the sea
Yankee yachts * and lobster pots and sunshine
And logs and sails
And Shell Oil pails
Dogs and tugs and summertime
Back in the banquet line
Angry young people crying

Who let the greedy in
And who left the needy out
Who made this salty soup
Tell him we’re very hungry now
For a sweeter fare
In the cookie I read
“Some get the gravy
And some get the gristle
Some get the marrow bone
And some get nothing
Though there’s plenty to spare”

Joni Mitchell

I fell asleep on the train.  On my way home from the city, my thoughts were on the people I saw on corners, hanging out in alleys, pushing a shopping cart filled with things others had thrown away.  I was tired and depressed.  I laid my head against the window and let the clickety clack lull me and all of a sudden I was in a huge banquet hall.  Gentlemen in black tuxes told me to hurry, every one is waiting!  I followed them, confused but unable to stop.

We went to the front doors and flung them open.  There outside the door was a line as far as I could see, at least five deep!  Children, old people, dressed in raggedy clothes, but smiling.  We unhooked one of those velvet ropes and stood aside as they poured in and took their placed in the banquet line.

“How will we ever feed all these people?” I asked one of the men.  He just smiled and pointed towards the tables.  As dishes were emptied, servers came with platters and bowls heaped up and running over.  Mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, pies and cakes.  I saw children grinning with plates full of hot dogs and hamburgers and ice cream.  I saw adults with turkey and ham and green beans and bread.  As they passed through the line they moved to an area in the back to dine at tables covered in white linen, silver, and crystal.

The tables seemed to fill up with people but there was always room and always plenty of food.  I watched as a little girl with one arm was helped by an older boy.  Her dress was too big and her spindly legs were dirty .  She was barefoot.  He would point to foods and she would nod or shake her head.  Only when her plate was filled and she was seated did he return to the line to fill his own plate.  He started to pass to the end of the line and a man in a stained coat, torn ski cap socked down over stringy hair, smiled and gestured for him to get in line ahead of him.  The line still seemed to go on forever.  Every color, every kind of dress, the only common denominator besides their humanity was their poverty.  I kept watching, though my eyes were burning from unshed tears, and I realized that there was another commonality.  They were kind to each other.

“Why am I here?” I thought about my day and the people I had seen.  The invisible ones.  The lonely, forgotten ones.  I had gone through my life not seeing and now I would not be able to look away.  I took a pitcher of water and moved among the tables, refilling glasses.  I cleared tables as some moved on to make room for others and long into the night the dinner went on and on.  My legs were tired but I wanted to go on forever, watching them all take their fill and share with each other.  Breaking bread and breaking walls.  I felt a shaking sensation and I tried to shrug it away.

I was awake.  There were tears on my face and the train was pulling in to the station.  Why are there hungry people?  I thought about all the things we chase after.  The new camera, newer car, bigger house.  And all the while there is a child going to sleep with an empty belly.  I wished the dream was real.  I would want to be at that feast.

photo by

General Catching Up Post

6189_confused_woman_trying_to_hook_up_computer_power_cords_on_a_power_strip_with_the_power_strip_unplugged Our campus is at about 40 80 percent getting on the new domain.  This is pretty  good.  I would have liked to be further along but weird little things happen to slow the process down.  People are, for the most part; being incredibly patient and supportive for which I am so grateful.  Hitting hit hard tomorrow to try to get as much done before Monday as possible.  We have to go to Tyler Saturday but maybe Sunday afternoon I can finish up any stragglers before students arrive on Monday morning.

On the ride to Tyler I can work on my list of where to start Monday morning.  I’m glad I only have the responsibility for one campus.

There hasn’t been time or energy to write for FUN until tonight but things should get a bit easier now.

For tonight it’s tv, french fries, ice cream, and early to bed.

P.S. A thank you to my daughter who was hired as a temp to help us get all this done – she has been AWESOME!